Having some fun

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1sr Person

I was walking down the street, looking for a clothes store. Considering two of my jackets and shirts were burnt to Kingdom Come, I need some new clothing. I finally found one, I walk in and look around. I found some good shoes, two black shirts with gray trimmings, some black leather gloves, and a very nice trenchcoat. It was gray with white trimmings, reaches my ankles, has a hood, and had a holster for my weapons, it was beautiful, though not as beautiful as Blake.

Anyway, I put them on in the fitting rooms, they fit perfectly, paid for them, went back to the fitting room to put them on, and walked out looking like a school shooter. (I'm not sorry, I know it's a serious thing, but that doesn't stop people from making jokes about it.)

I walked back to Beacon, hoodie on and everything just to scare people. I get stopped by Teams CFVY, RWB, and JNPR, all of them aiming their weapons at me. I just laugh my ass off while pulling down my hood.

You: So, what do you guys think? Like the new outfit?

Ruby: *Pouting* No, it makes you look like a horrible person.

Blake: Mama likes what she sees~

Weiss: No, it makes you look like a school shooter. I don't like it one bit.

Jaune: Eh, it could do with a little more color.

You: *deadpans at Jaune* I'm wearing blue jeans under this. *Moves overhang to show Jaune*

Jaune: Nevermind.

Pyrrha: It looks....... Acceptable. *Awkward smile*

Nora: Can it break legs!?

You: *chuckles* Yes, yes it can Nora.

Nora: YEES!!

Ren: I like it.

Coco: Eh, I've seen better.

Yatsu: Same with Coco.

Velvet: *Hiding behind Coco* I didn't recognize you, I don't feel safe around you with that on, no offense.

Fox: Same with Coco.

You: Well then, sorry Velv, I'll make it up to you by buying you carrot cake, how's that sound?

Velvet: *Come out from behind Coco* Sure.

You: Well, what're we waiting for? Come on.


We were at the bakery, Velvet eating her carrot cake, Ruby eating a mountain of cookies, Coco drinking hot chocolate, Yatsu drinking Chai tea, Weiss drinking Coffee, 2 creams no sugar, Blake drinking black tea, Nora eating pancakes, Pyrrha eating velvet cake, Ren drinking green tea, Jaune drinking black coffee, Fox drinking a pumpkin spice latte, and last, but not least, me drinking a caramel frappe.

We were having a good time, until I got a call.

You: *Sigh* I'll be right back guys.

They were too busy eating, drinking and chatting. So I just went outside, only to get sent flying into the park by the bakery.

You: *Sigh* So it's you three again, why do you think you can beat me?

I say while getting up thinking I know my attackers, only to see someone I've never seen before, he has some high quality gear if I do say so my self.

You: Umm, hello there.

???: Hello.

I throws a punch at me, I dodge him and judo flip him. I bring out my sickles while stamping on his head, only for him to catch it and bringing me to the ground. He laughs as he holds his hand out, taking his taking his helmet off in the process.

Tallon: Hehehe, you need to stop doing the same shit over and over again, mate.

You: *Grabs Tallon's hand* Damn, I haven't seen you in, how long? 4-5 years?

Tallon: *Chuckles* Yeah, about there. So, how's your life, have you got a girlfriend yet?

You: Good if I do say so myself, and yes, I do have a girlfriend. She's fucking adorable, and psychotic if you get on her bad side.

Tallon: *Chuckles* That's good to hear. So, how bout we catch up in that bakery?

You: Sure, some of my friends are there anyway.

We walk over to the bakery. My friends see me and him walking down the street, they wave over to him. We walk in and sit by them.

Ruby: *Blushing slightly* Who's the new guy, (Y)?

You: Oh, this cheeky fucker right here? *Puts Tallon in a headlock and points to him* He decided that it would be funny if we met again by fighting me in the park, *Gives him a nogie(?)* ain't that right you fucker?

Tallon: *Trying to get out of headlock* You fucker! Help, rape!

You: Oh no, this isn't rape if it don't stick my dick in you, so tell me, aren't I right!?

Tallon: Yes, yes you're right just stop giving me this fucking noogie, you fuckstick!

You: *laughing* Alright alright. *Stops giving him a noogie* Better you Aussie?

Tallon: I will when you get me out of this dam headlock! Your armpit stinks like a fucking sauna!

I let go of Tallon, chuckling, while the rest of my friends are laughing their asses off due to our brotherly behavior. We get the check, I go to pay for it but Tallon does instead.

Tallon: Here, it's the least I can do after dirtying up you clothes, and fucking with you at the park.

You: *Smirks* Alrighty then.

I say as I take the check. He gives his lien card to the waitress, and I start laughing my ass off.

Tallon: What's so funny?

I show him the check, I laugh even harder when I see his face pale.


He starts chasing me as I run away laughing my ass off all the way.


3rd person

The screen cuts to black as all that could be heard was insults from Tallon and (Y) laughing his ass off.


Hope you guys enjoyed, I decided to put a chapter up cause I had nothing better to do. Anyway, See ya 🤗

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