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3rd Person

Blake and Ruby were sitting in their dorm, crying. It's been a day since the incident happened, it's gone all around Beacon, everyone was mourning (Y)'s death. Blake and Ruby haven't left their dorm since then, and nobody blames them, infact no one blamed anyone.

Blake: *Crying into her knees on her bed* Why! Why why why why!! Why was it him!

Ruby: *Next to Blake doing the same thing* I don't know!! I really don't know!! I just want my big brother back!!!

Coco and Velvet have come by to try and get them out. Even Tallon and Ravage have tried. But to no success. But someone is not mourning his death, someone was cheering for his death you could say.

We now see someone moving around, with a pitch black cloak on them. They take a look towards Beacon, considering they are in Vale, they can't see it all that well.

???: *Distorted* So he's dead? Makes my job easier.

They continue walking on their merry way, humming a mysterious, yet happy, tune.

Back to Ruby and Blake. They are still crying about his death. But they've calmed down to an extent.

???: *Muffled* Hello? Can I come in! It's Velvet!

Ruby: *Quietly* Come in.

Velvet opens the door to see them sitting on their respective beds. Tears staining their face. Her ears drop and she texts someone on her scroll. Someone is heard running down the halls.

Tallon: *Peaks through the doorway and immediately hugs Ruby and Blake* Thank Oum you two have gotten better.

Blake: *Emotionless but tears steam down her face* Why are you here?

Tallon: People are worried about you. Everyone is worried about you two. How would (Y) think if he saw you like this? Mourning over his death? Not eating anything? Being a walking corpse? Listen, I understand it's difficult to move on, but you have to.

Blake and Ruby start crying, they just wanted to join (Y). Hug him. Do anything with him. Just to here his voice again. Velvet comes in and joins the group hug, silently crying on Tallon's shoulder.

Tallon: *Kisses the top of Ruby's head* It's all going to be ok, My Little Rosebud.

Ruby: *Crying and hugging Tallon* I'm sorry I couldn't stop him.

Tallon: *Petting her head* Shhh, I don't blame you. No one does.

Blake: *Crying and hugging Velvet* But they should! We couldn't stop him! I couldn't stop him!

Tallon: *Hugging them both close* Shhh, *In a comforting voice* No one blames either of you. No one should. I understand that you miss him. I understand that you tried your hardest to stop him. But don't blame yourself for his death. He wouldn't want this. No one does.

Blake and Ruby just kept crying, hugging both Tallon and Velvet.

The camera pans out of the dorm, out of Beacon, to see a blood red moon. To hear Grimm growling and howling towards it. The camera pans in on a mysterious figure, wearing a blood red cloak with black highlights and markings on it.

???: *Smiles sadistically* There will be a bloodbath tonight. HeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheHahahahahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

The figure walks of, laughing like a maniac.

______________________________________Sorry for the EXTREMELY short chapter, but don't worry. Yes, it's the end of the book. But there will be a surprise later next week. I'm going to need a LOT of time for this. See Ya 🤗

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