(Y) vs. Tai

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3rd Person

They ran and jumped, hitting each other in the face. Both immediately recover and charge again, both sending a flurry of punches, kicks, and bullets. (Y) catches on of the punches and retaliates by flipping Tai over his shoulder, sending him to the ground.

Tai notices that (Y) eyes have gone black and red [just like last chapter], he won't admit, but it shocked  him to the core. (Y) starts pumbuling him into the ground, creating a crater. All Tai can hear is the insane laughter coming from (Y).

Tai finally gains some strength to counter one of (Y) punches, Tai punches him in the stomach, sending bullets into it as well as shattering his aura. (Y) starts bleeding out of his mouth, still smiling and laughing, Tai then starts mercilessly pounding him into the ground.

That is until Ruby comes to see what the commotion was, only to see the battered and bruised bodies of Yang and Raven. She then hears laughter and trees breaking. She heads over, only for a battered and bruised body of (Y), still laughing while have red and black eyes, to fly through the tree line.

He starts getting back up, only to see Ruby standing there crying, he comes back to his senses and his eyes turn back to normal. He tries to hug her, but the wounds he suffered prevented him from doing so, he fell to the ground clutching his abdomen while puking blood.

1st Person

Is this how I die? Fighting Tai, losing, and going from blood loss?

Ruby: (Y-y) a-are yo-

Tai: (In the distance) WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!

You: I-ill be f-fine. Go. GO!

I say as I get up, my aura slightly fixed, while looking at the challenge ahead. Fuck it, BALLS DEEP, LETS DO THIS! I start running towards Tai to give him an ass kicking. I wrap my chains around him and throw him into a tree. I charged at him, not giving him time to recover, and stabbed him in the shoulders. I then kick then blades out, shattering his collar bone. I'd say he's hade enough........ BUT ITS NEVER ENOUGH.

I just start relentlessly slashing, kicking, stabbing him. This goes on of a few hours before I got bored. I look down to see his left arm severed, right arm broken, left kneecap dislocated, and last but not least, his jaw shattered. I think he should retire.


I'm just sitting in the infirmary, getting my wounds treated. Turns out that I have both my arms broken, nose shattered, jaw cracked, left leg broken, right leg dislocated, 7 ribs broken, explains why it hurts to breathe, 2 more ribs cracked, and a broken pelvis [the bone, not your third leg 😂]. Well then, I'm pretty fucked up aren't I? I was about to lay down and go to sleep, but Blake walked in.


Like parent like child I guess.

You: A fight with Tai. *Sigh* I wish my aura was slightly more durable.

Before I could say anything else, Blake just jumped up and kissed me, I saw no other option, than to kiss back. I fell back while she was on top. We separated and we both blushing like tomatoes while panting heavily.

You: That.... That was.... Amazing.

Blake: Yeah, it was.

She snuggles into my heavily bandaged chest, purring. I took off her bow and rubbed ears.

Blake: Nyaa~

You: *Chuckles* Adorable. Also, can you let go of me? I need to get changed.

Blake: *hugs tighter* nooooo, your soooo comfortable.

I try poking her to get her off, only to see that she's asleep. I chuckle lightly, and fall asleep as well.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The winner will be decided next chapter. See ya!

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