Part 11

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Running out of names 😓

1st Person

It's been a few days since I fought the Boarbatusk. I was walking towards Ozpin's office, due to him calling me there earlier. I was just getting in the elevator going to the top. The doors open only for me to see the other two people that I never wanted to see again, Tai fucking-Xaolong and Raven Branwen.

Tai: Alright, this is how it's gonna go, you come back home, have a 'nice' family reunion, you pay Yang's fee for assault, then you get out of Beacon and live with us.

You: *chuckling* You seriously that I'M going to that. *Dead serious* Go shove it up your ass.

Raven: *Angry* That is no way to talk to your fath-

I just start laughing my ass off. They seriously think that I'm STILL part of their family?

You: *still laughing* Let us go take this outside, shall we?

I say while Ozpin just stands there confused as fuck. I start running towards them, they think I'm going to attack them, but I just run past them and jump through the window behind them. I land on my feet, my aura taking most of the damage. I quickly recover to parry a attack from Raven, and dodge a blow from Tai. I retaliate by kicking Raven in the face, and stabbing Tai shoulders, though his aura takes most of it, sadly. Raven quickly recovers to slash at my side, I wince in pain from the strike and change my sickles into their gun form and start shooting at Raven. Though I didn't notice a punch coming from Tai that hit me square in the back. I fly a few feet forward only for a foot to meet my face.

I land on the ground only to immediately role over as to not get stabbed in the chest by Raven. I quickly get back up to dodge a blow from Tai, hitting a pole behind me, bending it. I decided to on the offensive, changing my guns back to their sickle form, tripping Tai stabbing him in the gut, then I wrap my chains around Raven, pulling her closer a slicing up her midsection.

She gets furious and starts to attack me at higher speeds than before, I parry another attack from her as I counter by backflipping, hitting her in the chin and wrap my chain around her neck a wanking her towards me while I bring my knee to her nose. I can tell you right now, hearing that satisfactory crack afterwards was glorious.

Anyways, after I did that, I dodged an attack from Tai and wrapped my chains around his arm, I nearly ripped his arm right out its sockets, sadly I didn't, though I did dislocate it, making him scream in pain. That was so satisfying, hearing that crack. I thought he was out of the fight, so I started walking away, but no he got back up, popped his arm back in, and charged at me. Hitting me in the back of the head.

I go flying into a tree, snapping it in half. I groan and turn around to see Tai with his eyes glowing yellow (this is not cannon, I repeat this is not cannon), one thing came to my mind.

You: ........... You have got to be fucking kid-

I couldn't finish my sentence due to Tai hitting me through another tree, my aura broke with this hit. I was completely defenceless now. I had to rely on my weapons and dodging at this point, I was one hit away dying. Tai rushes me in a blind rage, good. I dodged his attack go behind him, while wrapping my chains around his neck as well as putting my foot at his back to try and choke him out.

Key word: tried. He grabbed my chain and yanked towards ANOTHER tree, seriously what the hell is with me a trees today?, I hit the tree and fall to the ground with a twig in my abdomen. Fuck. I try and wrap my chains around his legs, which works surprisingly, he falls down to the ground and I chose him out.

You: *sigh* Finally


Right now I'm in the infirmity to get this damn twig out of me.

Doc: Alright, I'll pull it out in 3....2....1....GO.

He yanks it out while I bit harder into the towel he gave me. He stitches the wound and tells me to eat soft foods as well as take my workouts easy. I nod and walk out of there to go to my dorm.

You: *knocks* Hello?

Ruby: *muffled* Coming!

Ruby opens the door to see me with a black facemask on.

Ruby: Nice mask, come on in, we were just wondering when you were gonna show up.

You: Thanks.

I go in to see Blake and Weiss sitting at the TV watching (Favorite show). I sit down and watch for Oum knows how long. I check my scroll to see it's 12:00 am and everybody was sleeping. I turn off the TV kiss Blake and Ruby on their foreheads, I see that they smile in their sleep. I go to my bed and fall asleep as well.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you all later. If your wondering why I wrote this chapter, it's because I was bored and didn't have anything to do.

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