Going To Bac-I mean Beacon

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You are 18

First Person

Right now, in going to Beacon with Blake. We're at a window watching the birds go by. Until we heard people screaming something about puke. I look over and see Ruby and the demon.

You: '...........You have got to be kidding me. I'm happy that Ruby's here, but Yang? HELL NAW TO THE NAW NAW NAW.'

Blake sees me looking over there with and angered expression and puts a hand on my di-(Wait a FUCKING minute, who the fuck did this, WAS IT YOU LARRY OR BARRY I FUCKING FORGET, EITHER WAY GET THE FUCK BACK HER-*plays to be continued*) ahem as I was saying she put a hand on my shoulder.

You: *turns to her* yes?

Blake: *looks worried* Why are you angry.

You: Yang's here *sigh* can't I catch a break, I mean, just last week I nearly had my eye slashed out, my arm nearly ripped off, a scar going from the top left of my forehead to the bottom right of my chin.

Blake: Which I'm still angry about, that guy just cut you for knocking on his door to help with his lawn.

I was about to say something until vomit boy came over and puked all over my shirt.


Blake: *giggling*

I chase him until we get to Beacon, thank Oum I had spare t-shirts.

Blake: *smiling* I still found it hilarious.

You: I sure as hell didn't. *Sigh* I'm gonna go to the bathroom to change.


I get back from changing and go to the auditorium where The Wizard Of Oz did his speech. I go to the ballroom and set down my sleeping bag next to Blake. I sit for a while reading a book that I brought, Blake tells me Yang is coming over and I put on my skull balaclava (edgy I know, if you don't like it then imagine the color/design you want).

Blond Bimbo: Hellloooooo!

Nice, innocent, lil cookie monster: *struggling to brake from Yang's grip*

You: .............. Hi *looks back to book*

(Timeskip, I'm pretty sure you guys know how this goes)

I wake up to see Blake hugging my side, snuggling into my shoulder, I smile and shake her shoulder to wake her up. After a few minutes of trying I finally woke her up.

Blake: 5 more minutes.

You: *chuckles* No, come.on we have to get ready for initiation.

Blake: *groan* fiiine 'dad'

You: Oh come on I'm not THAT old.

(Timeskip, sorry for so many skips I'm just feeling a lazy today, I might just let Yokai do the work [if you get the reference you get a cookie])

Oz: Alright here's what you have to do, get launched, kill any Grimm in your way, collect a relic, find a partner, make it back here alive. Got it? Good. Go.

You: *Gets launched* OZPIN YOU FUUUUUUUCKEEEEEEERRRRRRRR *slowly fades into the distance*


You: ENGLISH MOTHA- *Gets smacked by a branch*

(Timeskip, last one I promise)

Ozprick: Russle Thrush, Sky whogivesafuck, I don't fucking know your name, and Cardin Winchester. You will form Team CRDL.

You: *rubbing bandaged left eye* More like Cardick.

Ozpin: Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xao-long. You will form Team RWBY. Now, will the man that didn't get a partner come up to the stage.

Blake stares at me sadly while I walk up to the stage.

Ozpin: Now, normally I would expel right here right now, but I see potential in you, you will be joining Team RWBY as a fifth member, I introduce, (Y) Rose!!!


Once again, sorry for the multiple Timeskips, I just completly forgot how it went and I not great for fight scenes. Next update might be Friday or Saturday.

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