Complete Assholes

790 14 17

3rd Person

It was a beautiful day outside, bride singing about having sex, sun shining bright as ever, the students of Beacon walking around and having fun, but, last but not least, our main protagonist sitting in the lunchroom, with Blake by his side, as well as Team RWB.

1st Person

I was having a nice conversation with Blake and Ruby. That is until I heard a cry of pain. I look over to see that CRDL are pulling on Velvet's ears.

You: *Grits teeth and growls* I swear to Oum, I'll tear them limb, from fucking limb. *Pauses* You know what? Fuck it *Smiles sadistically* Time to take out the trash~

I get up and start walking towards them.

You: *cough cough*

They look over to see me with my mask off smiling sadistically at them.

Cardick: The hell you want, freak?

You: Me? I want you~. TO DROP FUCKING DEAD! *Laughs like a maniac*

I charge at them, punching Russell in the face. While kicking Cardin in the balls, making him squeal like a pig. I bring out Venom and Shadow (credit goes to Alpha_Blu3) and make it so the blades lock, I then start playing jump rope. With a happy smile on my face. Cardin gets angry and charges me.


I unhook my blades and wrap them around Cardin's arms. I make it so that he traps his own arm, I yank the chains and he punches himself in the face. I go back to doing jump rope, I see Russell charge at me and I wrap my chains around his arms, blades still locked, I then flip him over my shoulder, then Levi kick his ass.

Turn around only to be met with a mace to the face, heyyyy that rhymed, I fall down, try to get back up only to get a sword stabbed in my and a mace to the back of my head, I like it~

3rd Person

Everyone is creeped the fuck out when they hear a bone-chilling laughter throughout the cafeteria.


(Y) kicks CRDL off of him and gets up. Still laughing, he looks towards them and his appearance is very different. He has pitch black skin, pure white eyes, and a very bloody, white mouth. His clothing has changed too, he has a pitch black shirt as well as pitch black pants and shoes. He just laughs at CRDL's terrified expressions, he slowly walks towards them. He bring out a pitch black sword, and rushes towards CRDL they scream in fear, but he's stopped by something. A purple shot.

He's hit by Glynda's magic, and tumbles across the ground. He looks up only to by met by another mace and more magic. He flies into a wall, turning back to normal, but his bloodlust cannot be stopped. He laughs and gets out of the wall, charging towards Cardin, bitting his face with his new sharp teeth. Cardin screams in pain, only fueling his bloodlust even more.

He jumps off of Cardin's newly defor-who am I kidding? His face was already deformed. Anyway, he charges at Goodwitch, only to be holding his head in pain, screaming.

You: GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD! HAHAHAHA! *Goes to wall* *Crying* GET OUT! *bashes head* OF! *Bash* MY! *Bash* HEAD! *Bash* *Laughs like a maniac* ARG! HAHA! IT HURTS SO BAD, BUT SO FUCKING GOOD! HAHAHA!

A (xenomorph [?]) tail sprouts from his tailbone, waving around as he laughs. Next to change are his eyes, they now have black scleras with bright green irises. He stops holding his head in pain and starts laughing harder.


He chases after them, laughing like a maniac, while everyone is horrified at what happened. Blood was all over the cafeteria, even more messy than when RWBY and JNPR had that food fight. Anyway, CRDL are running away from (Y) as he chases them throughout Beacon.

He finally catches up and trips them one by one. He looks at them, they get ready to fight. He just laughs, like usual. Russell charges, only to get a tail through his stomach. His team watches, horrified, as (Y) tears Russell's faces off.


You: Oh, will I~. HAHAHA! YOU-YOU SOUND LIKE AN INSANE PERSON! *Continues laughing*

They charge him as he swipes the weapons away from him. He prepares his hidden blades as they charge him, only for two of them to get a blades through their throats. Cardin pisses him pants when he sees (Y) licking the blood off of his blade.

You: *spits blood out* eww, fucking disgusting. *Looks at Cardin* Aww~, is the big bad bird boy scared~?

Cardin gets up, trying to run away, only for a chain to wrap itself around his leg, pulling him back to the Demon, that is (Y) (L), as the screen cuts to black. All that could be heard was screaming, cries for help, bones breaking, and sounds of flesh being ripped to shreds, as Mr. blue Sky plays in the background.

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