CRDL's Last Day In Beacon

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1st Person

I was just sitting in combat class, it's been a few weeks since the nice night with Blake, which was hugging my arm. Sadly, CRDL has gotten out R&R and has healed for the most part. The idiots raise their hands and point at me, thinking they can take me on.

Goodwitch: Are you sure CRDL? You just got out of R&R?

Cardin: Yes, we're sure, we can take that freak and his girlfriend on anytime.

Blake: *Growls* I can't stand you people.

Cardin: Aww~ come on baby~ you know you wanna be with me~

You: *smiles sadistically* You wanna test that~ Bird boy~

With that CRDL and I get to our separate changing rooms, I change into my Battle outfit. I get to the arena and CRDL stand opposite of me.

Cardin: Hey, how about we make a bet.

You: *smirks* What kind of bet.

Cardin: *Smiles pervertedly* I get to have your girl, if you lose.

I didn't give CRDL enough time to react, I was pissed, I run at them bringing out Venom(Right) and Shadow(left). Stabbing Shadow into Dove and wrapping Venom around Cardin's neck, yanking both down, while Cardin gets a knee to the face.

I don't give them enough time to recover as I stamp on Dove's knee, shattering it as Nora yells, I then bring Venom down into Russell's skull, knocking him down on his stomach. Not giving anyone anytime to breathe, I wrap my sickles around Sky's neck, choking him, I pull on the chains, bringing him closer, I jump on him putting my feet on his chest and stand.

I still have my chains wrapped around him. I was trying my hardest to rip his fucking head off his shoulders.

3rd Person

What (Y) didn't see was Cardin, coming up from behind with Sky's sword, which he dropped, and stabbed (Y) through his chest. Everyone was in shock, even Goodwitch, they didn't think that Cardin was capable of murder. (Y) fell off of Sky, losing grip on his chains, Sky inhaling and coughing. (Y) just laid there, holding the sword in his stomach, smiling like a psychopath.

You: HeheheheheheheheHahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Y) got back up, reaching behind him, grabbing the handle of the sword and pulling pulling it out of him. He had a little bit of training with a sword. He rushes them, his eyes black and red as well as still bleeding, leaving everyone surprised. He stabs the sword straight into Cardin, going straight through his aura, Cardin screams in pain.

You: How does it feel~ Bird boy~

1st Person

I keep the sword in Cardin as I let go of it. I walk over to my favorite weapons, Venom and Shadow, and wrap the chains around my forearms. I turn to block a strike from Russell.

Russell: I'LL KILL YOU!

You: Hehehe~ I'd like to see you try~

I stab him through the chest, into his lung, my smile widens even more when he coughs up blood. Some lands on my cloak, and as most people know, never. EVER. Mess with a hunter's cloak.................... Some bitches gonna die today.

I wrap my chains around his neck and flip him around while putting my boot on his back. Effectively choking him. I yank as well as stretching my leg out, his head comes straight off, some of his blood lands in my mouth. As soon as that happens a tail sprouts out of my tailbone, and my teeth get sharper as well as claws coming out of my finger nails.

I sheath my sickles and run towards Sky, he looks horrified, I leap for him, only for a mace to smash across my chest. I roll across the ground, I look up to see Dove standing above me with Cardin's mace in his hands. I grin at him and trip him, while stabbing him in the neck, making him choke on his own blood. I turn to block two daggers from Sky. I stop him in his tracks by stabbing him in the collar bone. He screams in pain, music to my ears~

I then grab his arms, putting my boot on his chest and pull while pushing my leg out, ripping his arms of. I take off my mask and bite into one to fuel my bloodlust even more. I look around me, blood, blood everywhere. I like it~

I look over to Cardin, seeing writhel on the ground made me smile. I pull down my hood, showing my psychotic smile on my face to everyone. He opens his eyes to see me slowly walking towards me.

You: *Still walking* Oh Cardin, Cardin Cardin~ How does it feel~ To be hopeless, alone, and scared~ It feels like shit~ Doesn't it~

I stop right in front of him, staring him down. I rip the sword out of him, he screams in pain. More music to my ears~ I then leap down and bite on his face, he desperately tries to get me off of him. I continue to eat his ugly ass face off, he tastes awful, but I'll bear with it to make him suffer~


I finish when I hit the bone, Cardin is just laying there. Dead. Bleeding. And finally out of my life.

You: *chuckling that slowly turns into insane laughter* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

3rd Person

The screen cuts to black. All that could be hear was (Y)'s insane laughter.

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