The Dance

213 7 27

1st Person

A blinding light shines in my eyes, I move my arm to cover it, my eyes adjust and I get up. I see that I'm back in the hospital, I sigh and check the damages. I had bandages on my chest, arms, cheeks, abdomen, and legs. I get up, put my clothes on, and walk out of the room. I spot Ruby looking really sad, so I go over and hug her, she turns to me and her face brightens up like she just had her Mom's cookies.


You: *Chuckles* Yeah, it feels good to be back.

Ruby: Also, Blake hasn't come out of her room, at all, only for bathroom breaks, eating, and checking if you woke up.

You: *Sigh* I'll go see her now.

I let go of Ruby and walk towards our dorm, I knock on the door.

Blake: *Muffled* Go away. *Sniffle*

You: Blake? It's me.

In a heartbeat, Blake opens the door and drags me inside, kissing me. I kiss back and wrap my arms around her.

Blake: *Parts from kiss and hits my chest lightly while crying* Why did you risk your life for us? We would have handled it!

You: *Places head on top of hers* I'm sorry, I didn't want any of you to get hurt, or even worse, killed, I couldn't live with myself if one of you died.

Blake: *Sniffle* I couldn't live with MYSELF if you died, I wouldn't know what to do, I would be depressed, sad, and worst of all, suicidal. *Sniffle*

You: *Hugs Blake even tighter* Don't...... Don't you ever think about that, please. I don't want to lose you.

Blake: And I don't want to lose you.

You: *Chuckles sadly* Let's put this behind us, ok? We can't live off of thinking about sad shit.

Blake: *Sniffle and smiles* Yeah. *Puts head in my chest* purr~

You: *Chuckles* Your so adorable, my little kitten.

We walk out of the room, hand in hand. I stop as I realized something.

You: Wait, is today the dance?

Blake: ............. Fuuuuuuuuck, it is. *Sigh* Wait, TODAY'S THE DANCE! WE NEED TO GET READY!


I say as I run to my dorm and look through my closet, find my black and white suit, place it on the bed, get in the shower, dry myself, and get my suit on. I walk to Blake's dorm, knock on the door.

Blake: *Muffled* GIMMY A SEC!

I wait for a couple of minutes, I see the door open and my jaw drops to the floor, due to the Goddess in front of me. We walk to the ballroom. Only to be greeted by a surprisingly short line, so we didn't have to wait long. I see Velvet is filling out the attendees sheet.

Velvet: Oh, hey, my brother just went in, *Writes down our names* Ok, you're good to go, have a nice night!

You: *Chuckles* You too, Velv.

I walk in and immediately spot Tallon and Ruby dancing, having fun, as well as kissing each other. I laugh and lead Blake to the dance floor. We start dancing as the music plays. We dance for a few minutes, until we get tired and decide that we had enough for now. We walk towards the punch bowl, where Tallon and Ruby are.

You: Oi, lovebirds! Over here!

Tallon: *Looks over* Hehe, hey you cheeky fucker.

You: Hey, that's my line!

Ruby: *Giggles* Hey, big bro.

You: Hey, Ruby, enjoying the party?

Ruby: Yeah, but can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?

You: *Chuckles* Sure, but later, let's enjoy ourselves and unwind a little.

Blake: Yeah, let's have fun *Drinks out of cup*

You: *Holds up cup* To having fun.

Ruby/Blake/Tallon: To having fun!

We clash our cups and chug them down.

Weiss: Get away from me!!

I snap my head over to where I heard Weiss scream, only to see her being cornered by two guys, that I have never seen before. I walk towards them, my eyes going black and red.

You: Oi, Pick in someone your own size, Fuckwits!

They turn to me and laugh.

Goon 1: hehehe, hey, look over there.

He says, pointing to me.

Goon 2: hehehehe, alright, fucking freak, let's fight.

G1 charges at me, trying to hit me, I dodge, grab his arm, and judo flips his ass. He lands on the floor as G2 goes and hits me in the stomach, I groan in pain as I sock him right in the face. He falls down as his friend gets up, I dodge his punch and kick him right in the throat. They are both on the floor groaning in pain. I straight out my suit as I walk towards Weiss.

Weiss: Thank you for helping me, (Y).

You: No problem.

I say as I walk back to the punch bowl, holding my stomach. I wave and they look at me, jaws dropped to the floor.

Tallon: That kick looked like it hurt.

You: *Still holding stomach* Yeah, fucker hit hard.

Blake: Let's get back to dancing, shall we?

She says as she holds her hand out. I grab it and she drags me to the dance floor. I chuckle at how adorable she is when she does this. We continue dancing and just have a lot of fun. I stop dancing once I see Ruby leave the area.

You: *Kisses Blake's head* I gotta go, Ruby just left.

Blake: *Pecks lips* Alright, but you ow me a fully fledged sushi dinner. Alright?

You: *Kisses head head again* Alright.

I say as I run off to see Ruby going towards the CCT tower.

*Sigh* My throat still hurts, and I still have a headache. Hope you guys enjoyed. See Ya 🤗

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