Fighting A Certain Someone with a special guest

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1st Person

I ran after Ruby, towards the CCT tower. I finally catch up to her.

You: Hey, why are you running!?

Ruby: I saw someone going on the rooftops towards the CCT tower!

You: I'll join you!

Ruby: *Smirks* Then try and keep up!

She says as she uses her semblance to try and get ahead of me, only for her to fall flat on her face due to her heels.

You: Pttttf HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice try to get ahead of me!

Ruby: *Gets up and pouts* Don't laugh at me! These heels are difficult to run in!

She says as she starts to run again, I help her by having her put her arm around my shoulders. We reach the CCT tower, and we see the guards knocked out. We head towards the elevator and go up to the server room. I see someone duck behind a table at the corner of my eye, I fully turn towards the table, and go over to it. Just as I'm about to peek behind it, I'm hit with some glass and sent flying into a computer monitor.

You: *Groans and gets up* Fucking bitch.

I say as Ruby hears what happens and comes over only for her to get hit by glass, sending next to me. I stand up, pissed, and charge at the mysterious woman, I notice her hair as well as eyes, kicking her in the shins as well as planting her face into the ground, then dragging her face across it. I hear the elevator open and I turn towards it, a big mistake on my part, the woman hits me in the face, getting her out of my grip, while she escapes. I groan as Steeldick comes out of the elevator, checking Ruby and I for injuries. Thankfully, Ruby didn't have any, I, however, had a broken nose.

Ironwood: You two, get back to the dance, I'll take it from her.

You: Thanks, I'm going to sleep.


I'm just laying in my bed with a bandage around my nose; cuddling with Blake and scratching behind her ears.

Blake: Nyaa~

You: *Chuckles* You are so adorable!

I say as I hug her close, she tries to escape my grip, it doesn't work.

Blake: *Struggling* Nrgh, let me go!

You: *Chuckles* Fine *Let's go*

As soon as I did she immediately boops my nose, really hard.

You: *Holding nose* Ow, what was that for!

Blake: *Smiling smugly* That was for not scratching my ears enough.

She says as she pins my hands near her ears. I sigh as I start scratching behind her ears.

Blake: Nyaa~ *Purrs*

She snuggles into my chest, purring.

You: *Still scratching ears* You adorable, My Little Kitty.

Blake: *Giggles* I know I am~ Nyaa~

You: *Yawn* I think we should go to sleep.

Blake: *Yawn* Yeah, we should.

I lay down as Blake lays down next to me as we fall into a deep slumber.


I wake up to Blake's sleeping figure, I smile and kiss her forehead. She wakes up to see me smiling at her, she smiles back.

You: We should get ready, shouldn't we?

Blake: Yeah, let's.

We take a shower, separately, get dressed, and brush our teeth. We were walking towards Glynda's class, my favorite class. Some people fight, mildly amusing and none to be noted of.


I was walking through the courtyard, looking for something to do, that is, until a bullhead landed near me, I had to cover my eyes from the dust.

You: *Coughing* What the hell?

I see the doors open, and a very fimiliar face come out.

You: *Shocked* M-mom.

Kali: Hey sweetie, how are you and Blake?

You: We're doing very well.

Kali: *Giggles* Have you got a girlfriend?

You: *Blushes* M-MOM!

Kali: *Giggles* I have a feeling I know who it is~ *Giggles*

You: W-who do you t-think it is?

Kali: *Smiling* Blake.

I just stand there, shocked.

You: A-are you m-mad?

Kali: *Smiles warmly* No, no I'm not mad, I'm happy!

As she says the last few words she runs and jumps towards me, hugging me as well as wrapping her legs around my waist.

You: *Struggling to hold Kali* C-can you at l-least place your f-feet on the ground?

Kali: *Giggles* No~ I'm going to stay here.

I see out of the corner of my eye that Blake is coming over. I give her an awkward smile, she smiles at Mom, then sees me holding her, trying to keep my balance, and rushes over.

Blake: Mom, please place your feet on the ground.

Kali: *Giggles and pouts* Fine~ I'll let your boyfriend go~

You: Y-yes, I get it *grunts* just put your feet on the ground.

Mom puts her feet on the ground, still hugging me, I groan as she's still hugging me.

You: You have got to by kidding me.

Kali: *Giggles* You only said to put my feet on the ground~ Not to let go of you~

Blake: *Sigh* Where's Dad?

You: No, no Oum please, no, not that big burly beast of a man, his biceps are twice the size of my head, and he's half a foot taller than me.

Kali: *Giggles* He's not here, he had things to do back at Menagerie.

You: Oh thank Oum, I don't want to have to deal with his lectures about what he has to say about dating Blake.

Blake:*Giggles* You're so adorable when you're scared, (Y)~

You: UGH, you're insufferable sometimes, you know that?

Blake: But you love me~

You: *Sighs then smiles* I can't deny that, can I?

Kali: Aww~ Look at you~ Already looking like a married couple~

Blake/You: *Blushing* Not now!

Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry that I've been neglecting this story, sickness and shit is a pain in the ass to deal with. See Ya 🤗

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