Part 20

490 12 69

1st Person

It has been a few weeks after I had killed CRDL. I was sitting on the roof of Beacon. Leaving everyone else alone, considering, I think, nobody wants anything to do with me. So, in the meantime imma just wait until this all blows over. That is, until I heard the door to the roof open.

I turn around to see Blake standing there. She comes over to hug me, I hug back.

Blake: Come on. Let's go back down.

She drags downstairs to the cafeteria. I see Team RWB, CFVY, and JNPR, sitting at the same table. I walk over and greet them.


You: *smiles sadly* Hey.

Ruby: *in an adorable voice* Brwother, are you ojay?

My heart melted, Ruby was so adorable when she did this, and she knew it.

You: *Smiles warmly* I am now Ruby.


The rest of the teams giggled. I just hug My Innocent Little Cookie Monster. She let me go when my stomach growled, I grabbed my food and sat down at the table, by Blake and Ruby, we talked for awhile. That is until Ozprick decided to ruin my fun. I went up to his office. Ironcock was there.

Ironcock: You are coming with me for murder of another student.

Ozpin: Now, General, that won't be necessary, we already talked about this.

Ironwood:  And I already told you, THAT HE IS TOO DANGEROUS!

Ozpin: He can handle himself, I assure you.

You: Okay? The hell is happening here?

The elevator door opens to show Qrow kiss-Hang on a minute, is that Winter?

You: *stares*...................... pfffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! YEAH, WAY TO GO QROW HAHAHAHAHAHA!

They immediately separate and blush like fucking tomatoes. I was putting my hand on the wall to support myself from not falling due to laughing so hard.


I was still chuckling due to the events earlier. I look over to see Qrow downing his flask. I go over and Pat his back.

You: Good catch. *Chuckles*

I hear stomping from behind me, I go to turn around only to get a stinging cheek and losing consciousness.


I have woken up after Oum knows how long. I see I'm outside the door to Ozpin's office. I smile and stick my head through the door with my eyes going black and red.


Everyone in the room: AHHHHHHHHHH!!


I just walk through door laughing my ass off.

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