Getting settled in

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1st Person

I woke up to a bright light shining in my face, I move my arm to block the light. Once my eyes adjust, I see that I'm in a hospital room with an IV attached. I pull out the IV and get up, I'm a little wobbly, but I manage.

I find some new clothes (the ones from the bio and the mask folds up also, you're not wearing the mask.), put them on and walk out of the room. I see that it's very busy, though I see a very familiar black bow in the crowd. I run to Blake and see she's with Ruby.

You: HEY, over here Blake and Ruby!

They look over and I see them looked surprised, but I don't know why. They both run over and knock me down on my ass.

You: *both Blake and Ruby hugging me* Ow, whhhyyy ;_;.

Blake and Ruby: *crying and snuggling into chest* You stupid baka, don't scare us like that.

You: *hugging both back* I'll try not to scare you like that anymore, though no promises.

Blake: Good enough for me. *Sniffle*

You: All right I'm gonna go freshen myself up, and before I forget, why were you surprised?

Blake: Oh it's just the outfit and you should probably look in the mirror, cause you have bandages on your face.

You: Alright, thanks for the info, see ya in a bit.

I walk in the bathroom and look to see that I do indeed have bandages in my face, I take them off only to find that my face is more fucked upped than Deadpool's. My right cheek has a massive and deep hole that shows my teeth, and that the right side of my lips look like they've gone through a meat grinder also showing my front teeth. I also have another scar going directly through my right eye and stopping at the left side of my lips.

I decided to not ruin Ruby's innocence and put on my mask as well as my hood. I walk out to meet them only to find that Velvet I there as well, what a pleasant surprise.

You: Hey Velv, what brings you here?

Velvet: EEK, oh nevermind its just you, oh my Oum, don't ever scare me like that again.

You: Alright I'll try not to again.

Velvet: Also what's with the mask and new outfit?

You: The mask is for something that happened with Yang, and the new outfit is something that I had in my closet, and I guess someone brought them to me, also we should go to Beacon.


We arrive at Beacon, talking along the way, Ruby and Blake left due to their teammate, Weiss, dragging them away.

You: Well it was nice talking to you Velv, but I gotta go, see ya later.

I say walking towards my dorm, I knock once again, without getting smacked in the face by a book. I see Ruby open the door and to my surprise, Blake as well.

You:........ Well this is a pleas-OW.

Before I can continue, Blake and Ruby knock me on my ass, AGAIN, as if once wasn't enough.

Ruby: *Hugging me and smiling like she just had cookies* I'm so glad you're on our team.

Blake: *Also hugging me and smiling* Same here. *Giggles*

You: *sigh* I'm glad that I'm on your team as well, but can you guys stop knocking me on my butt?

I say looking at them with a raised eyebrow. They get off of me and help me up.

You: Also, did you forget that I just got out of the hospital? *Chuckles*

They bring me into the room, and the first thing I see are the horrendous bunk beds.

You: *groan* how long was I out?

Ruby: 3 days.

She says hugging me.

You: *sigh* I'll start fixing them.


I was done fixing, the bunk beds so they are actually sturdy as well as don't have the chance to fall off and crush someone in their sleep. We then head to the cafeteria to get some food.

You: So what has happened since I was knocked out?

Blake: Well, we had our first few classes, Ports is the worst, he just talks about his youth. Then there's Glynda's class, combat class, its self explanatory but she is very strict, and she just downgrades you more if you lose. Prof. Peaches class is just learning about dust, but she is very nice towards people and especially towards pets. After that there's Profes-

Oobleck: DOCTOR!

Blake: D-doctor Oobleck, he teaches history and drinks too much coffee. And I believe that's it. Let's get some food, I'm starving.

You: Yeah, me to, I hope they have (favorite food).


I woke up to find that no one was in the room with me, I check the time to find it was 9:30 am. I quickly get my uniform on and run to class.

I bust down the door only to find everyone looking at me in shock and horror. I then realized that I don't have my mask on. So I quickly put it on, I walk to a seat in the corner, as to not disturb anyone.

Port: Mooonsteeers, deemoons, prowlers of the night, but I merely refer to them as prey, HAHA *crickets* uhhh, and you shall to-blah blah blah.

I just zone out until he calls on me to take on a Grimm. I walk up there and pull out my chain sickles.

Port: Are you not going to change?

You: Don't need too.

I say as he opens the cage, for a boarbatusk to fly out. I dodged it while it flew past me into the wall behind me. I wrap my chains around it and pull it towards me, when it's close I my blade into it's stomach, while gutting it like a fish.

Port: Well done, as we can see here we have a true Hunter in the midst.

I wasn't lying when I said I'd have this out as soon as possible. Thank you for 1k reads, it means a lot.

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