Living With The Bellab-I mean Belladonna's

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1st person

It's nice here in Menagerie, weather is warm, nice beaches, good food, and amazing hospitality. Right now I'm walking with Blake back to the house.
We just got done getting some groceries.

You:............ So what are you gonna do when you get older Blake?

Blake: I...I honestly don't know..... I might join the White Fang to fight for faunus equality.

You: A good choice but I was thinking something like Beacon or Haven.

Blake: Maybe only maybe.


We arrived at the house and put the bags in the kitchen. Then, we decided to play (game of your choice) for a few hours.

You: *puts controller down and looks at clock* Wow it's already 3:00pm, we should go to sleep, Blake............. Blake? *Looks to see Blake sleeping on my shoulder and smiles* Alrighty then *puts Blake in her bed and  tucks her in* Goodnight *kisses forehead and Blake smiles in her sleep*



I just woke up from my Oum forsaken alarm clock.

You: *rubs eyes* well time to see if Blake's awake

I walk towards Blake's room and knock the door. I get no response, so I did what any sane man would do, break down the door only to see Blake walk out of the shower with only a towel around her.

You: *Blushing like a tomato*

Blake: *Also blushing* G-GET O-OUT *Smacks you unconscious*


I wake up to see I'm in my bedroom with a stinging cheek, then the events that unfolded before came back and I was blushing like a tomato. I hear Mom(Kali) call me down to eat dinner, damn I was knocked out for that long? Brain remember not to piss off Blake again (dully noted).


I walk down stairs to see my plate is like 3 in. tall.

You: *drooling a little* This looks soooo taaaasty.

Blake: *slight anger* First knock.

You: *blushing like a tomato* o-ok.

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