Meeting Her

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Cinder POV

I sat around and thought about that cute boy who flirted with me. "Cinder are you ok?" Emerald asked, "Yes I'm fine." I said, "I bet she's thinking about that boy from the other day." Mercury said, "And if I was?" I asked, "Nothing wrong with that, it's nice to see you much of a hard ass as you let on." He said, "Emerald, tell me did you notice anything about him?" I asked, "No not really, he seemed pretty average to me." She said, "Well he's anything but average, he has silver eyes. That kind of power could be very useful." I said softly.

(y/n) POV

"Mr. Rose please take a seat." Ozpin said, "No thanks I'm still not entirely convinced that you and the sexy blonde over there aren't gonna try to kill me." I said, "Mr. Rose I can assure you we mean you no harm, we only want to talk." The blonde said, "Tell ya what Blondie you take me back to your place and the two of us can talk for as long as you want." I said, "MR. ROSE THAT WAS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE!" She yelled, "Your right I'm sorry, there wouldn't be any talking." I said, she began to blush, "Alright that's enough flirting. Glynda get a hold of yourself he's just imitating his father." He said, "Dad wishes I was getting that from him." I said, "Oh and Blondie I'm hosting a private party if your interested." I said, her blushing intensified, "HA HA, nice one kiddo!" Dad said, "That one I really did get from him." I said, "Qrow please control your son." Ozpin said, "Alright bud that's enough messing with Glynda... for now you have the next six weeks to mess with her." Dad said, "Fine." I said as I slowly lowered the temperature of the room with my semblance. "Mr. Rose, in light of your bravery in the face of not one, but three opponents as well as your attempt to save Amber, I'm allowing you to enroll in my school." Ozpin said calmly, "Key word there is attempt, if I had just rushed in earlier and had been faster I could have saved her." I said sadly, "Yes, but you tried and for better or worse you saved her life." He said, "Now (y/n) tell me, what's your favorite story?" He asked calmly.

After that Dad, Ozpin, and Glynda told me about the maidens, but it wasn't until after Ozpin left did I hear the full story from Dad and Glynda. A few hours later Dad left and put Glynda in charge of watching me.

"Glynda, did I just get strong armed into joining a cult?" I asked, "No we're not a cult. We simply operate from the shadows and keep people in the dark about certain things." Glynda said, "Yeah I joined a cult." I said softly, "Come on let's go get something to eat." She said softly.

"So (y/n) tell me about yourself." Glynda said as we sat at our table, "This feels suspiciously like a date." I said, "Don't flatter yourself, I simply want to learn more about you to know how to deal with you." She said, "Fine what do ya wanna know?" I asked, "Why do you consider Qrow to be your father and not your real father Tai Yang Xaio Long?" She asked, "Because when I was five I accidentally burned down my preschool, no one was hurt, but a bunch of my classmates ganged up on me and beat me up. Not only did Dad actually show up to make sure me and my sisters were alright, but he made the kids stop beating me up. After that he took us home and then Tai basically told me to go die in a fire. He ended up taking me away from my home, I now know that it was for my own good." I said calmly, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." She said, "It's fine. Good things came from that as well. Like the goal Dad gave me for example. Make your mother proud, that's what I try to do every day, or saving Amber, or meeting you." I said sweetly.

It's been a week since Dad left and I've been so bored! Ruby can't come hang out since Tai placed her under house arrest, Yang came by for like twenty minutes and then ditched me in the middle of downtown Vale, and Glynda is too busy trying to find and fix a gas leak at the academy to do anything with me! But on the bright side I'll be fifteen when school finally reopens. I've just been wandering around the mall all day. I'm lucky that I remembered to pack some halfway decent looking outfits before I left Dad's apartment. Fortunately enough for me the ladies love the outfit I'm wearing.

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