Daddy's Home

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(y/n) POV

"THATS IT! YOU THREE TIME OUT NOW!!!!" I yelled, "Look at what you've done now! He's mad at us and it's all your fault!" Stella said, "No it's your fault!" Dad said, "No its all your faults now go!" I said, "Now what were we talking about?" I asked, "We were talking about how there's no way you could pick up chicks in a tank." Nova said, "Dude I could totally pick up chicks in a tank, just like how I can get a chick to sleep with me by saying "daddy's home"." I said, there was a moment of silence, "Prove it." Ava said, "I'll be back." I said as I walked away.

Two hours later

"TOLD YA!" I said as I pulled up to the hotel in a tank full of supermodels, "Teach me my master!" Nova said as he bowed down to me. 

"(y/n) who are all these women?" Cinder asked, "RUN!" I said as I drove away in the tank. Suddenly the tank began to melt around us, "B...Baby I know you're mad, b...but." I said, suddenly every part of my body other than my head froze, "Nova made me do it!" I said, "Now why didn't you start with that?" She said, suddenly Nova was struck by lightning, "I'M OK!" Nova said.

"Your mad." I said, "I'm not mad... at you." Cinder said, "Are you sure he's gonna show?" I asked, "If I know Salem she would never pass up getting three relics in one go." She said, "And there's Tyrian, whelp looks like I'm up." I said as I jumped off the roof and activated my armor.

"HEY JACKASS!" I yelled as my suit formed around me and I did the superhero landing.

"HEY JACKASS!" I yelled as my suit formed around me and I did the superhero landing

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"Daddy's home." I said, "Ahh so this is where you've been. The Goddess has been wanting to see you." Tyrian said, "Yeah well tell her she can kiss my ass some other time." I said, "YOU LITTLE!" He said, "Yeah yeah yeah, but before you finish that thought... ON THE ROOF!" I said, suddenly several glass arrows flew at him from behind me. "Nova I'm gonna need some ass kicking music." I said, "On it! I'll stream it directly to you armor." Nova said.

"Thanks buddy." I said as I punched Tyrian in the face, "Face down in the dirt with another man beating your ass, is it Tuesday already?" I said, "Shut up!" Tyrian yelled as he spit out some blood, "Aw does wittle Tyrian have a boo boo." I mocked as I kicked him into a nearby pillar, "Cinder was right, Salem just couldn't pass on three relics despise how obvious it was that it was a trap. Ya know I believe I recall telling her that she'd get a whole hell of a lot more done if she'd just take the time to pull her head out of her ass. I guess she didn't take my advice." I said, "Babe." Cinder said, "I know he's gone... and he'll never come back." I said as I drew Fell Cyclone and shot Tyrian in the back of the head. "One shot one kill hugh little bro." Ruby said as she punched me in the arm playfully, "Hurt yourself didn't ya sis?" I said, "Yeah." She said as I deactivated my armor. "Cinder let's go we're late for dinner as it is." I said as I walked away. 

"Well date night's a bust." I said, "Well we did kill Tyrian, so it's not all that bad." Cinder said, "Yeah, but I'm just pissed that someone stole our reservation!" I said, "Ya know I needed this, thanks Raven." Stella said, "Well(y/n) and Cinder weren't gonna use this reservation, it'd be a shame to let it go to waist." Raven said, "STELLA! RAVEN!" I yelled, "YOUR ON YOUR OWN STEL!" Raven said as she ran through a portal. "(y...y/n) I...I can explain!" Stella said.

"RAVEN!" I yelled as I kicked open the hotel room door and threw Stella at her, "Wow! What happened to her?" Jaune asked as he poked Stella with a stick, "Oh just the equivalent of getting shocked by a taser... multiplied times ten. "She's still alive and perfectly fine, she's just unconscious." I said. 

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