Picking Up the Peaces

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(y/n) POV

"Mom, I'm home." Stella said as she entered her mothers house. "Did you get a job dear?" A woman asked from inside the kitchen, "No Mom I didn't, besides I told you that interview isn't for another two weeks." Stella said as she sat down on the couch and motioned for me to take a seat next to her. "Honestly dear you need to find a.... Stella dear who's your friend?" Stella's mom asked as she walked into the living room. She was a relatively young woman in her mid to late fifties. She had blonde hair and blue eyes just like Stella. She was almost identical to her daughter in every way except she had a mole under her left eye and Stella didn't. "Mom this is my SON (y/n) Rose." Stella said, "YOUR SON?! STELLA AMELIA AMBERS YOU ARE FAR TOO YOUNG TO HAVE A, excuse me dear, but how old are you?" Stella's mom asked, "Eighteen." I said, "Thank you dear. A EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD SON! FOR OUM'S SAKE STELLA YOUR ONLY THIRTY FOUR!" She yelled, "Actually she's not my actual mother, she basically took care of me when my dad forgot me at the club or if I needed her. And after a certain event that occurred when I was twelve she became my mother, more so than she already was." I said, "Still she should've told me, I'm her mother after all!" She said, "And you should've invited her to your wedding, I guess you're even now." I said as I got up and left.

"And where did you learn that from?" Stella asked, "Simple my Mom taught me." I said, "I taught you well my son." She said, "Oh by the way what's your semblance Stella?" I asked, "My semblance is called reprogram. It allows me to enhance or decrease any feeling or feelings a person might have no matter how small, and I can even zero in on a specific feeling like fear, sadness, regret, or love. That's also how I was able to get you back to your normal self relatively quickly." She said sweetly, "Wow you have a really useful semblance! Mine is just insane." I said, "Honey your semblance is amazing, just think of what you could do with it, think of all the lives you can save." She said, "You always know just what to say don't you." I said, "Yes, yes I do." She said as we walked down the street.

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