Moving On

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(y/n) POV

"So Candi why don't you join us?" I asked, "(y/n) what did I tell you about calling me that." Stella said, "Sorry mommy." I said, "That aside I'd love to join you, your sisters, friends, and your lovely girlfriend... but not them." She said as she pointed at Dad and Raven. "That's fair." Raven said, "Uh Stella he's kinda my dad he has to come along." I said, "No he's your uncle (y/n). While I will give him credit for getting you out of a potentially abusive and neglectful home, and for introducing the two of us. I can't forgive him for all the times he's done the exact opposite of what a parent should do!" She said, "Oh like what?!" Dad asked angrily, "Oh I don't know maybe taking a six year old to a strip club and left him there for four hours! Using him to pick up single mothers, hell even the married ones! Do I need to go on?" She asked, "I think I did a pretty good job raising him!" He said, "Oh, oh do you now!" She said angrily, "Yeah I really do!" He said, "Winter." She said, "That's not fair!" He said, "No what's not fair is (y/n)'s arm getting cut off, and then to top it off he's had to deal with an alcoholic father who's idea of a birthday present is a trip to the strip club while you go out drinking." She said, "Let's face it Qrow you're not his father and you never were. Maybe at some point you actually tried to be a father to him, but that was probably a long time ago." She said, "Your right I'm not his father hell I'm barely his uncle, but never say I don't care about him or that I never did anything for him, or that I never tried to find a better life for him!" Dad said, "And this, this right here is why I need therapy." I said, "Mom you're coming, Dad and Raven you're gonna play nice, and Cinder put something sexy on! I need something to distract me from my dysfunctional family." I said

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