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(y/n) POV

"I'm so proud of you two!" Yang said as she put us into a headlock, "YANG! STOP IT!" Ruby and I yelled, "I don't want to draw attention to myself!" Ruby said, "Why your the bees knees!" Yang said, "I don't wanna be the bees knees or any other knees, I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees!" Ruby said, "And you baby brother you never told us why you graduated early." Yang said, "Oh it's because I went on a mission with Dad and showed exceptional combat abilities that needed to be cultivated or something I didn't really understand it myself." I said, "OUT OF THE WAY!!!" A blonde boy yelled as he pushed past us and started vomiting, "Well at least were not like Vomit Boy over there." Ruby said, I looked out the window and saw the mall where Cinder and I met in the distance.

When we landed Vomit Boy sprinted to the nearest trash can, "Hey you ok buddy?" I asked as I handed him a water bottle, "Yes thanks, the names Jaune Arc." He said, "I'm (y/n) Rose, nice to meet you, well I'll see ya around." I said as I walked away.

I had just split up with my sisters when I heard an explosion. I began to run towards it when I ran into a girl, "I am so sorry that was all my fault." I apologized, "No no it was my fault." She said, "I'm Pyrrha Nikos, nice to meet you." She said as we got up, "I'm (y/n) Rose, the pleasure is all mine Miss Nicos." I said, "OW! STOP IT!" A girl shouted, I looked over and saw a bunny faunus girl being picked on by a group of guys,"Please excuse me for a second." I said, "Umm alright." She said in confusion. I walked over to the group, "YO what's go'n on over here?" I asked, "Nothing just having a bit of fun with this cute little bunny here." One of the guys said as he pulled on her ear, "OW!" She cried, "Ok mind if I join in?" I asked, "Feel free." He said happily, "Sweet." I said as I decked him in the face and caught the girl, "Are you ok miss?" I asked, "Yes thank you." She said, I helped her to her feet, "If you think your gonna get away with that sucker punch your crazy!" The guy I punched said, pulled a small metal ball out of my pocket and tossed it into the air, I made a finger gun, "Bang." I said as the ball lined up with my finger, the ball fired at insanely high speeds breaking the sound barrier and it landed between his legs, "That's my railgun, and that wasn't even ten percent of its full power, so just stay down before you hurt yourselves." I said as I walked away, "WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE!" Glynda shouted angrily, 'SHIT!' I thought, "Well bye you two I've gotta run!" I said, suddenly a purple hue surrounded my body, "You did this I take it." She said, 'SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!!!' I thought, "Umm, maybe just like ten percent of it." I said, "Ma'am he did do it, but it was to protect me!" The faunus girl said, "It's true they were picking on poor..." Pyrrha said, "Velvet." Velvet said, "Poor Velvet here. (y/n) decided to valiantly step in and defend her although he did get a bit out of control at the end." Pyrrha said, "Mr. Rose I would advise you not to use your semblance irresponsibly." Glynda said, "Ok ok I wont do stupid stuff with it!" I said, "Very good." She said as she released me and walked away, "Bye blonde!" I said, suddenly a small rock hit me in the forehead.

Later that night I saw Ruby and Yang talking to a cute girl in a bow, I decided to go say hi, but Velvet stopped me, "Oh hey Velvet are those guys bothering you again?" I asked, "No, I...I just wanted to talk with you for a bit if that's alright." She said as she blushed violently.

Pyrrha POV

I saw (y/n) and Velvet walk out of the ballroom, I decided to follow them.

I followed them down the hall, they turned the corner and I heard a door slam closed, as I turned the corner to follow them I saw a trail of clothes leading into the girls restroom, "AH YES RIGHT THERE!" I heard Velvet moan from inside, 'Well they seem to be getting along nicely' I thought, "OH (Y/N) HARDER I WANT YOU TO WRECK MY ARSE!" Velvet moaned loudly.

I decided to leave and to try to forget what I had heard.

(y/n) POV

"Hey bro what happened to you last night?" Ruby asked, "Ruby we both know what happened to him, he's testing the waters a bit ya know seeing who can take his mind off you know who." Yang said, "Kinda, so you know that girl Velvet I helped yesterday." I said, "Oh do please continue." She said, "Well she wanted to thank me and have a talk, but we ended up banging." I said, "(Y/N)!" Ruby and Pyrrha yelled, "Nice." Yang said as she gave me a high five, "Don't encourage him Yang!" Ruby said, "What! You both told me to put myself out there and to... to forget about Cinder, I gotta go." I said as I walked away.

"So this is where you ran off to." Pyrrha said, "Hey, sorry about last night, I kinda knew you were following us." I said, "I know your sister told me about you semblance and about your ex." She said, "Does Velvet know?" She asked, "Yeah that was more to get my mind off her than anything." I said, suddenly she pulled me into a kiss and then she walked away.

"(Y/N) LET GO THIS INSTANT!" Glynda yelled, "No! I don't wanna go!" I shouted, "(Y/N) YOUR ACTING LIKE A CHILD NOW GET FLUNG OFF A CLIFF LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" She yelled, "I DON'T WANNA!" I yelled, "(y/n) look a cookie." Ozpin said as he threw it off the cliff, " COOKIE NOOOO!" I yelled as I sprinted off the cliff.

Glynda POV

"OH MY GOD! OZPIN WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!" I shouted in disbelief "We just threw several children off a cliff. Pretty average Monday Glynda." Ozpin said calmly, "WE JUST KILLED QROW'S SON! HE KNOWS WHERE WE LIVE, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY HE KNOWS WHERE I LIVE!" I yelled, "NOOOOOOO! MY COOKIE it was innocent!" (y/n) yelled from the bottom of the cliff.

(y/n) POV

'DAMN THAT GLYNDA! Killing a cookie like that she's not human.' I thought as I walk through the forest. "AHHHH!!" A girl yelled, "JAUNE'S IN TROUBLE! HOLD ON BUDDY I'M COMING!" I yelled as I ran to where the scream came from. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" A girl yelled as a King Taijitu coiled itself around her. "HEY UGLY OVER HERE!" I yelled as I fired off several fire and ice bolts at it. The white head came barreling towards me and I let it eat me. I super heated the air and water vapor around me and caused a steam explosion inside the grimm. "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside." I said as I climbed out and impales the second head with a ice spike, "T...Thank you I'm Ava looks like were partners." She said, "Let's go." I said as I picked her up and jumped towards the temple.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xaio Long, you shall be team RWBY" Ozpin said, "And finally, (y/n) Rose, Ava Summers, Nova Arc, and Eve Evergreen, you shall be team RANE." He said calmly. "Oh I'm so proud of you two!" Yang said as she hugged both me and Ruby tightly.

Cinder POV

I fiddled with my necklace in an apartment to stop myself from going out to find (y/n). "Cinder get over it already! He was just some punk kid who thought he was special just because he had a good semblance and silver eyes!" Mercury said, "Wrong I never once told him that he had silver eyes. And he's afraid of his semblance. He once told me that he burned down his preschool when his semblance awakened and ran out of control. He lives in constant fear that he will loose control again and hurt someone." I said, "He's just now exploring the extents of his semblance and discovering that he's far more powerful than anyone realizes." I said softly.

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