Grim Fate part 2

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(y/n) POV

"Ok everyone allow me to show you what were up against." I said as I pulled up a hologram of the grimm.

"As you can see the staff of it's scythe has three talons, once it places it's crystal ball there were all as good as dead

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"As you can see the staff of it's scythe has three talons, once it places it's crystal ball there were all as good as dead." I said, "Why?" Ruby asked, "Because it's ability will activate and anything that scythe hits looses it's soul and instantly dies." I said, "That's bad." She said, "Yes yes it is." I said. 

We made our battle plan, I volunteered for a suicide mission along with Cinder, Raven, and Dad. The others have to ensure it doesn't activate it's ability.

I was getting ready to go when some old lady stopped me, "You won't win." She said, "Excuse me?" I said, "Your plan might succeed, but what then? Will you abandon your friends and family, or maybe you will start a new life with that Cinder girl, no matter what you do you wont truly be happy." She said, "I could kill you with a simple flick of my wrist I hope you know that." I said, "Oh I do, but you didn't and you wont." She said, "Your one crazy old lady." I said, "I'd have to be to still be hanging around these people." She said as she walked away.

I sprinted towards the grimm. I shot at it with the gun in my arm as well as my machine gun while super charging the bullets with my semblance.

Weiss POV

'I know (y/n) said that they only did it as a last resort, but I want revenge!' I thought as I drew Winter's sword. "Weiss, I know you wanna kill Cinder and my brother and I know this wont be easy to hear, but Winter wasn't the best person in Remnant. She held my brother against his will for three weeks and did who knows what to him. So can you honestly blame him for what happened?" Ruby asked, "Yes I can!" I said, "I cant, no I refuse to blame him. I guess that's just me being hopeful that the same little brother I know and love is still in there somewhere." She said, "In a way I guess you're right. I...I just don't see why she had to die." I said, "Weiss tell me what was Winter really to you." She said, "What are you talking about, she was my sister." I said, "Weiss." She said, "S...She was like a mother to me." I said, "She was always there for me, she was at almost every recital, she was the one who went to the parent teacher conferences." I said, "I...I guess I'm just mad that I didn't realize that till now." I said sadly, "Now imagine that your brother was like (y/n), possibly the strongest person in the entire world, practically nothing could prove to be a real challenge for him. That has been (y/n)'s life since he was five!" She said, "I...I didn't realize." I said, "I know, so Weiss, help us save him." She said, I nodded.

(y/n) POV

Things were going to Hell faster than Jaune could loose a fight! The old lady crashed a bullhead, Dad and Raven couldn't work together, and I was left to fend for myself! "LOOK OUT!" Nova shouted as he helped me block the scythe, "Why would you do that?" I asked, "Cause your my best friend and you saved my big sister." He said, "Well what do you say we kill this thing as a team?" I asked, "Sounds like a plan." He said as Ava and Eve joined us. "Let's get this over with, I have better things to do than babysit you idiots." Eve said as she readied her axe.

"Oh going with the axe are we?" I said, "Got a problem with that?" She asked, "No not at all, I thought you'd be using your sword that's all

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"Oh going with the axe are we?" I said, "Got a problem with that?" She asked, "No not at all, I thought you'd be using your sword that's all." I said, she sighed, "Well I figured we'd need all the destructive power we can get." She said, "Just use the sword Eve, we all know you love it." Ava said as she created a giant pair of scissors.

"Ava why did you make scissors?" I asked, "Cause why not

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"Ava why did you make scissors?" I asked, "Cause why not." She said, "Alright I'll use the sword, just don't run with those." Eve said as she drew her sword.

"LET'S GO!" I shouted as I launched us at the grimm

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"LET'S GO!" I shouted as I launched us at the grimm.

"AVA I NEED A SWORD!" I yelled, "ON IT!" Ava shouted as she created me a sword.

I blocked the scythe from hitting Nova with the sword and my Grim Reaper in its scythe mode, "NOVA!" I shouted, "LET'S DO IT!" Nova yelled as he launched off my back at the crystal ball

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I blocked the scythe from hitting Nova with the sword and my Grim Reaper in its scythe mode, "NOVA!" I shouted, "LET'S DO IT!" Nova yelled as he launched off my back at the crystal ball. The rest of us went for the head, but Ava and Eve defended me from the scythe while I went in for the kill. "NOW DIE!" I yelled as I drew the RANE sword and slit it's throat.

Several hours later we all met back up to celibate not dying. "So (y/n) what will you do now?" Ruby asked, "Will you join us or leave us behind?" Yang asked, "Babe this is your choice, and I'll stay with you no matter what you chose." Cinder said.

Do you want (y/n) to:

Go with them


Leave them behind

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