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Cinder POV

(y/n) was going to Atlas, so I decided to surprise him. And if Ava just so happened to tragically die he'd need someone to help him through his tragic loss. "Neo lets get going." I said.

(y/n) POV

"Well I'm off to Atlas." I said, "Are you sure you can't stay? We'd be more than happy to let you stay with us." Saphron said, "As much as I'd like to stay, I have to go. I have business to attend to in Atlas. Maybe I'll come back sometime." I said as I got on my bike and drove away.

Cinder POV

Neo and I were on our way to Atlas when a thought came to me, I would possibly see my father for the first time!

(y/n) POV

I sighed, "It's alright (y/n) we're here for you." Ava said, "Yeah, but I really don't wanna see her." I complained as I approached the guards at the front gate. "No one is permitted to enter or leave Atlas!" They said, "Cool I don't care." I said, "I really don't have the time to deal with you two idiots so just call Ironwood or Winter I don't care witch at this point." I said.

Winter POV

I was doing some paper work when one of my subordinates entered my office, "What is it?" I asked not looking up from my work, "Um sorry to disturb you ma'am, but someone calling himself "D...Dirty Darling" is here to see you and her wants his pants back." He said, "What did you just say?" I said looking up at him, "Someone called "Dirty Darling" is here to see you and he wants his pants back ma'am." He repeated, "So my darling has returned." I said sadistically, "This is going to be fun." I said as I got up.

(y/n) POV

"DARLING!" Winter yelled as she sprinted at me, next thing I know she's behind me holding my pants! "DAMN IT WINTER GIVE ME MY PANTS BACK!" I yelled, "No their mine now... hey where'd they go?" She said, "I'm not letting you take more of my pants!" I said, "Fine let's go get something to eat." She said. "Told you it would work Raven." I said as she handed me a hundred lien.

"Here Darling I got this one specially for you." Winter said as she handed me a cup of coffee which I poured out, "Why'd you do that?!" Ava asked, "Cause last time I drank something she gave me I got roofied, kidnapped, and violated for three weeks." I said, "Now Winter you are going to take me to Ironwood." I said, "No." Winter said, "Fine then lets make a bet." I said, "We have a foot race, if I win then you take me to Ironwood, and if you win then well, um I'll give you what you want." I said hesitantly, "Oh Darling I didn't realize that you were like that, alright I'll play your little game and I'll win." She said.

"Ready... GO!" Ava shouted, I let Winter get a head start, "Alright I think that's enough of a lead to humiliate her. I said as I manipulated the air around my body and under my feet and sprinted after her at shocking speeds.

"SEE YA!" I said as I passed Winter, suddenly a wall of ice appeared in front of me, "I WONT LET YOU BEAT ME DARLING!" Winter shouted as she sprinted at me with her blade drawn, "Silly Winter you fell for my trap hook line and sinker!" I said as I raised my right hand, "DRAGON TWISTER!" I shouted, suddenly a dragon made of twisters appeared around me and then I was engulfed in an enormous twister. "BYE WINTER!" I shouted as the wall of ice shattered and I sprinted away.

"I WIN!" I shouted exhaustedly, "(Y/N) MY OFFICE NOW!" Ironwood shouted angrily.

"Sup Uncle James." I said, "Ok whats going on?" Ironwood asked, "Nothing what gave you the idea something was wrong?" I asked, "Because you only call me Uncle James when something's wrong." He said, "Fine I'm here to talk to you about your daughter." I said, "What are you talking about I don't have a daughter." He said, "Yes you do, you got a prostitute pregnant sixteen years ago during some one night stand." I said.

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