New Thing

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Cinder POV

"NO NO NO! I SAID TAKE THE DUST OVER THERE!" Roman yelled, normally I would have scaled him for being incompetent, but today I was distracted.  The necklace (y/n) had given me had gone missing. I frantically searched for it.

After about three hours of searching I finally found the stone, but the chain was completely ruined.

(y/n) POV

"(y/n) are you ready to go yet?" Velvet asked, "Yeah sorry I just have to grab one last thing before heading out." I said as I put the necklace Cinder gave me on.

It's hard to believe, but for the week I've been here at Beacon I've been going out with Velvet Scarlatina, a second year student and a proud member of team CAVY, I had to have been the luckiest guy ever. "So where are you taking me this time?" Velvet asked, "Well I was thinking, dinner then a late movie." I said, "Sounds romantic, I hope that's not all you had planned." She said seductively, "Unfortunately it is, I don't think Coco would like us doing that." I said, "Yeah probably not." She said, "I don't want her to hate me anymore than she already does, plus she's really scary." I said as we got onto my bike.

It's been two weeks since I last saw Velvet. Mostly because we ended up screwing in the back of the theater. "Hey babe I'm sorry about Coco not letting me see you." Velvet said as she jumped on my back, "It's fine, Velvet I think we need to see other people." I said sadly, "It's because of Coco isn't it." She said sadly, "Yeah, I don't think she likes me dating you." I said, " WHO CARES?! IF SHE HAS A PROBLEM WITH YOU THEN SHE CAN TAKE IT UP WITH ME!" She yelled, "I do, especially when it affects you and your team. I would like us to remain friends though." I said calmly.

It's been almost four weeks since Velvet and I broke up, we're still friends and hang out all the time, but I think Coco feels guilty for our break up.

I have a date with Pyrrha this weekend and I want to take her somewhere nice.

"Hey Glynda, umm I kinda need some money." I said, "Didn't Ozpin give you your paycheck?" Glynda asked, "WAIT I'M GETTING PAYED?!" I shouted, " much?" I asked, she took out a piece of paper and wrote out a number, she folded it and handed it to me, I opened the paper, "That's a lot of zeros." I said, "Go tell Ozpin he forgot to pay you." She said, I nodded and walked away.

Cinder POV

I was outside getting some fresh air, it's been a hard couple of months and I thought I had earned a break. I was just relaxing outside when I saw (y/n) walking down the street with some girl. I watched them flirt with each other as they walked down the street. The sight of this made me mad, I wasn't mad at (y/n) he deserved to find someone to get over our break up, I was mad at her, I wanted to kill her.

(y/n) POV

"So Pyrrha the Vital Festival is coming up soon is your team gonna enter?" I asked, "I think so, but we have plenty of time to decide." Pyrrha said, "Yeah, but these few months are gonna go by fast. My team has already decided on everything, for the doubles round it's gonna be me and Ava, and for the one on one it'll be me, but if I decide that Ava could handle the competition then she will go." I said calmly.

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