Grim Fate part 1

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(y/n) POV

"Honey, you realize that eventually were going to have to kill Raven right?" Cinder asked, "I know, and when that time comes I'll be ready." I said as she got on top of me, "Well I hope you're ready for what I'm about to do to you." She said.

Nova POV

"Ruby." I said, "Yeah I know, we've gotta save him before it's to late." Ruby said, "How?" I asked, "By any means necessary." She said, "Well then I'm going on ahead." I said, "There's no point, he'll be heading to Shade academy next and that's where we're going so you might as well stick with us." She said, "Wrong, he's going to an island a couple hundred miles off the cost of Vale." I said, "How do you know that for sure?" She asked, "Because we have unfinished business there. Plus he's still on the local coms and I told him to meet me there to settle the score." I said, "Good we'll all go with you." She said, "Not happening, this is a issue for the members of team RANE to handle. I'm not about to let his sister's ruin my flawless plan." I said as I walked away.

"Eve let's go." I said, Eve nodded and boarded the ship.

"So I take it we're going back there." Eve said, "Unfortunately we are." I said, "Why there of all places?" She asked, "The danger level. If that thing doesn't fix this mess then my blades will." I said.

We arrived at the island about six hours later, "So we're clear on the plan." I asked, "No not one bit." Eve said, "Figures. Ok so I'll take on (y/n) while you keep Ava busy." I said, "Ok...but what if he brings Cinder and Raven?" She asked, "Well then we're screwed why do you ask?" I asked, "Cause that's exactly what I did." (y/n) said.

(y/n) POV

"Damn it!" Nova said, "Hey you brought the peanut gallery with you first!" I said, "What are you talking about?" He asked, "Ruby and the others snuck onto your ship and followed you here." I said, "What was you plan? Have that thing kill us or did you think the danger level would bring us together or something?" Ava asked, "Was my plan really that easy to figure out." He said sadly, "Yeah, but that was my plan too." I said, suddenly there was the unmistakable sound of a large metal object being dragged through stone coming from behind me, "Ok so we have ten seconds to decide whether we wanna live or die!" I said, "Babe what could possibly be so bad that it could scare you this badly?" Cinder asked, "How about the personification of death incarnate!" I said as I tackled her barely avoiding getting cut in half by an enormous scythe, "W...What is that thing?!" She asked in fear, "That is the Grimm Reaper, also known as the grimm of fate. It's an enormous humanoid grimm that carries a scythe in its right hand, and a dark crystal ball in the left." I said as we all ran away.

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