Catch and Release

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(y/n) POV

I was lying in my bed when I heard a tapping at my window. I looked outside and saw Cinder. "Sup hot stuff, back for more already huh." I said, "Come on were going out." Cinder said, "What now?! My sisters are coming  by in the morning." I said, "You mean the same sister who ditched you the other day?" She said cynically.

"You know your lucky your hot." I said as we got on my bike, "Oh you know you love me hun." Cinder said, "Whoa I wouldn't say I love you just yet I mean we just met a few days ago." I said, "Yeah, but haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?" She asked, "Yeah I have, and it sucks." I said, "And why is that?" She asked, "Cause nothing good ever comes from instant love." I said as we drove off.

"I don't see why we had to change." I said as I finished putting on my jacket.

"Because I didn't want to go to a club with my potential boyfriend in his pajamas

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"Because I didn't want to go to a club with my potential boyfriend in his pajamas." She said as she walked out of the bathroom in her new outfit.

"Wait boyfriend! Also why are we in my Dad's apartment again?" I asked, "To change and maybe IF your good to bring me back here later

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"Wait boyfriend! Also why are we in my Dad's apartment again?" I asked, "To change and maybe IF your good to bring me back here later." She said seductively, "Why don't we skip the club and just  hang out here." I said as I pulled her close, "That doesn't sound half bad." She said as she began to kiss me passionately.

Glynda POV

"(y/n) I'm home, huh what's this?" I said as I picked up a note, 'Hey Glynda! Went out on a date don't wait up, if I need a place to spend the night, if you know what I mean *wink, wink*, I'll just go to Dad's place. Well I'll see ya tomorrow!' It read, I crumbled it in one hand, "LIKE HELL I'M GOING TO LET YOU DO THAT TO SOME POOR GIRL!" I shouted as I ran out to my car.

When I arrived at Qrow's apartment I couldn't hear any noise coming from inside, so I used the spare key Qrow gave me. When I entered the apartment I saw two pares of clothes leading into one of the bedrooms, I followed the trail and opened the door and saw (y/n) and some girl having sex! "Babe is that your mom?!" The girl asked, "No worse she's my teacher!" (y/n) said, "Glynda would you mind coming back in the morning, we should be finished by then." He said, "THAT'S IT! I'M CALLING YOUR FATHER!" I shouted, "Why he's just gonna look at her butt, give me a high five, and say nice." He said, "NO NOT HIM! THE OTHER ONE!" I shouted, "You wouldn't!" He said, "I WOULD!" I shouted, "KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE!" One of the neighbors shouted, "Glynda do you know what would happen if you did that?" he asked, "No please enlighten me!" I said angrily, "We would literally kill each other." He said, "Now shoo." He said as he threw a pair of men's underwear at me that landed on my head, "Real mature (y/n)." I said, "Yeah hate to break it to ya, but those aren't mine and this isn't my room. Have fun with that trauma." He said, it slowly dawned on me that these were Qrow's underpants, "I...I need to go shower and burn these clothes." I said as I walked away.

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