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(y/n) POV

I drove through the forest towards an old city, 'I swear if that guy was lying about Ruby I'm gonna kick his ass!' I thought, suddenly my scroll began to ring so I pulled over. "Hello?" I said, 'Hey baby, do you think you can come back? Lady Salem is pretty mad that you left.' Cinder said, "Babe tell her I said I don't work for her and that she can take it up with someone who cares, no if you'll excuse me I've got A LOT of ground to cover before I make it to Mistral." I said, 'Wait why are you going to Mistral?!' She asked, "To find my sister, she went there looking for you." I said, 'Ok look I know where she is, but you'll have to be fast Tyrian is hunting her.' She said, 'I'll send you the coordinates of where he's supposed to intercept them.' She said as she hung up. A few seconds later I received a text from her with the coordinates.

I drove at top speed for about three hours when I reached the coordinates, but I was too late, "SHIT!" I yelled as I created a giant ice ramp and drove up it.

"HEY TYRIAN TELL HER I SAID SCREW OFF!" I yelled as I kicked my bike at him as I fell, "YOU DARE DEIFY THE GODDESS!" He shouted angrily, "I dare deify the bitch who thinks she can make me a pawn." I said as I activated the gun in my left arm, "Jaune sword give NOW!" I said, "O...ok." He said as he tossed me his sword, "Hello my name is (y/n) Rose, you generally annoyed me... prepare to die!" I said as I rushed him. He caught my attack with his gauntlets, "Oh did someone loose his wittle tale? Do you need Lady Salem to kiss it all better?" I mocked, "SHUT UP!" He yelled, "Make me." I said, he then fired the machine guns in his gauntlets, "Ohhh looks like someone forgot about my EM barrier, sucks to be you hugh." I said as I tired the bullets back at him, "S...she'll for give you." he mumbled as he ran away, "YA YOU BETTER RUN!" I shouted. "(Y/N)!" Ruby cried as she tackled me, "Hey sis." I said, "I'm so sorry! I thought I killed you." She cried, "Hey don't cry, big sisters aren't supposed to cry in front of their little brothers." I said.

"(y/n) come with us. If any of us should want revenge on Cinder it's you!" Jaune said, "Ya she hurt you in more ways than any of us knows!" Nora said, "You wanna tell them or should I?" I asked, "Guys he tried to defend Cinder back at Beacon." Ruby said, "That can't be true!" Rin said, "It is, I love her and I always will love her." I said, "SHE MURDERED PYRRHA IN COLD BLOOD!" Jaune shouted, "Ya I know, but she also saved my life." I said, "Ya know what I'm glad Ruby cut off your arm." He said, "JAUNE!" Rin and Nora yelled, "Wait what? RUBY YOU DID THIS TO ME?!" I shouted, "Y...Yes, but (y/n) I..." Ruby began to say, "But nothing! You cut off my arm! And that's something you can't take back." I said, "Goodbye Ruby, do us both a favor and don't try to fix things. Oh and next time we meet I will have revenge." I said as I got on my bike and drove off.

"Babe welcome back!" Cinder said as she hugged me, "Cinder I have a few questions for you." I said, "Ok well  um let's go to our room to talk." She said.

"Why did you kill Pyrrha?" I asked, "She got in my way so I killed her." Cinder said, "THAT'S IT?!" I shouted, "Of coarse not, she tried to take my man so I vowed that I'd kill her one day." She said, "Ok then better question why the hell did you join Salem? I mean she's obviously a terrible person!" I said, "Because I want power." She said, "Ok but why?" I asked, "Because I swore to never be weak again." She said.

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