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(y/n) POV

"So Cinder wanna go out tonight?" I asked, "Sure, but just the two of us alright." Cinder said as she gave me a quick kiss before walking off. "Dad, Raven go away!" I said as I threw a can at two birds behind me, "Sorry hun it was their idea!" Mom said, "Not you too!" I said, "Sorry." She said, "I' leave you alone for what four maybe five years and you go and get your self a harem!" A man said from behind me, "Oh no, please let it be anyone but him PLEASE!" I said, "Oh come on man is that any way to treat your best friend." He said.

 "Jack you know that's a lie!" I yelled as I threw a punch at him, "Wow you don't change do you?" He said as he caught my fist, "I do, but just the left arm

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 "Jack you know that's a lie!" I yelled as I threw a punch at him, "Wow you don't change do you?" He said as he caught my fist, "I do, but just the left arm." I said as I deployed the gun and fired at him, "WOW! What happened there?" He said, "DIE YOU DOG BASTARD!" I yelled as I shot at him, "Wow you are out of practice aren't you." He said as he spun mom's bra around his finger. "Mom." I said, "(y/n). No mercy." Mom said angrily, "WITH PLEASURE!" I yelled as Dad threw me his sword and I chased after Jack.

"End of the line Jack, now give me the bra and I'll only break most of your bones." I said, "How about no." He said as he pulled a gun on me.

" He said as he pulled a gun on me

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"Oh, this'll be good." I said as he shot at me, suddenly the bullet was cut in half before it ever got close to me, "Honestly baby I won't always be around when you wanna show off like this." Cinder said as she got up, "I know, but you've gotta admit you like it." I said, "Yeah I guess." She said, "And who is this lovely lady?" Jack said as he tried to touch Cinder's butt, "I'm Cinder Fall, (y/n)'s girlfriend." Cinder said as she broke his arm, "Oh right now I'm supposed to say something like karma's a bitch or something like that, but I'm not cause you didn't deserve that... you deserve this!" I said as I punched him in the face.

"Mom this is yours." I said as I gave her the bra back, "Thank you, honey." Mom said, "Stella are you ok?" Cinder asked, "I'm fine Cinder dear, and please call me Mom." Mom said.

From Ashes Cinder Fall X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now