The Candi Chronicles

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(y/n) POV

"W...What do you mean it's gone?!" I asked in shock, "I hate to say it but it's true the club was destroyed during the Fall of Beacon." Candi said sadly.

Stella Ambers, also known as Candi,

was once a stripper at a strip club in downtown Vale called Starry Night

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was once a stripper at a strip club in downtown Vale called Starry Night. She was always really nice to me when I was little and even thought she had a million and one things to do she would always make sure I was somewhere she could keep an eye on me and where I couldn't see what was going on. At one point I started to think of her as more of a mother to me than anything. This was also around the time that Dad forgot me at the club.

This is the story of my relationship with Candi.

Flashback twelve years ago (y/n) POV

"Your dad forgot ya here again hugh?" Candi asked, "Yeah, he was more drunk than usual so I don't think he's coming back." I said sadly, "Well if he doesn't come back by time my shift ends you can come home with me." She said sweetly, I nodded in response, "Alright well I have to go perform. You remember where to go right?" She asked, "Yep I go sit in that corner and wait for you to come get me." I said as I pointed at a corner that had a small table and chair, some coloring books, and crayons in it. It was a normal routine at this point. For the past year and a half Dad and I have been coming here more and more frequently. Every time I asked him why we kept coming back so often he always said "Because it's a good time." without fail, but I got the feeling it was for my sake.

"Come on kiddo get your things we're leaving." Candi said, "Yes ma'am." I said sadly, "Oh come on kiddo cheer up. It'll be fun. We can get some ice cream and play some board games. Doesn't that sound fun?" She asked, I nodded softly, "I just wish Dad came back for me." I said sadly, "Aww it's ok sweetie. I promise he'll come back for you, and until he does you're more than welcome to stay with me." She said as she ruffled my hair.

"What would you like to eat?" Candi asked, "Can I have this?" I asked as I pointed at a picture of a cheeseburger, "Sure thing sweetie." She said sweetly, "Candi." I said, "Sweetie you can use my real name when it's just the two of us." She said, "I... I'm sorry." I said, "You don't have to apologize hun. When we're not at the club call me Stella alright." She said, "Ok." I said, "So what did you wanna ask me?" She asked, "I was wondering why you're always so nice to me even though you have better things to do than babysitting me." I said, "Well I guess it's cause I get what you're going through. My mom was a single parent just like your dad. She wasn't really the best influence in the world, but she did her best. I figured that you have it pretty rough since your dad is a huntsman and he drags you around with him so when I learned that about you two I decided that I'll do all that I can to help you." She said, "So it's because you treat me like I'm your son?" I said, "Yeah I guess in a way you kinda are my son, especially since I cant have children of my own." She said, "Well now you have me." I said sweetly, "Yes I do." She said sweetly, "Just don't go around calling me mommy or stuff like that at the club alright" She said.

I stayed with Candi for two weeks before Dad came to get me.

Five years later Candi POV

I had just got done with my shift when I got a call from (y/n). "Hi sweetie, whats up?" I asked, "Ok ok, slow done honey tell me whats going on from the beginning." I said, he told me about how Qrow had to go on a mission and left him in the care of a woman named Winter. He went on to say that she had gave him a drink and then everything went fuzzy and that when he woke up he was in some weird place and that she had stole his pants. "Ok did you call your dad?" I asked, "What do you mean he's busy!?" I asked, "Ok sweetie just hold on I'm going to come get you...and then we're going to kill your father." I said and then hung up. 

I took the next few days off work and went up to Atlas to pick up (y/n). "STELLA!" (y/n) shouted as he ran out to me in his underwear, "Honey where are your clothes?" I asked, "S...She took them." He said shakily, "Ok um, get in I brought you a few things." I said.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I parked the car in a near by parking lot, "N...No." (y/n) said, "Of coarse your not, but you will be... eventually I know it." I said, "Come on." I said as I got out of the car. "W...Where are we going?" He asked, "I did say we were going to kill your father didn't I." I said.

"JACK ASS!" I yelled as I punched Qrow in the face, "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" I yelled, "I was busy!" Qrow said, "Like hell you were! I bet you were just going to bars until they kicked you out for the past three weeks!" I said angrily.

(y/n) POV

"Like hell you were! I bet you were just going to bars until they kicked you out for the past three weeks!" Stella said angrily, "Mommy, Daddy please stop fighting."I said, "Your lucky that he's here or I would have shoved that flask of yours so far up your..." She began to say, "Ok ok I get it I'm a horrible father." Dad said, "Yes, yes you are. Now I'm taking (y/n) home with me and when you decide that you wanna make up with him come see us, but until then I don't wanna see you." She said as she waled away. 

"So how did you get Winter to let you go?" Stella asked as we drove down the highway, "She didn't, once I told her my mom was coming for me she was going to move me. I took advantage of the opportunity she gave me once she freed one of my hands to knock her out and make a run for it. It was pure luck that you had got there when you did." I said, "Well if you ask me you did the right thing calling me, but sweetie if this ever happens again don't be afraid to fight back. Do whatever you have to so you can stay alive and safe." She said, "Ok I will." I said. 

We were driving for almost two hours in near silence, "Honey I know I'm not your real mother, hell I'm not even your adoptive mother, but if you want you can call me Mom." Stella said sweetly, "R...Really? But you told me not to call you stuff like that." I said, "Well after what you've been through I think you've earned it kiddo." She said as she ruffled my hair.

End flashback (y/n) POV

"So why are you here in Vacuo hon?" Stella asked, "Well we'er kinda sorta on a mission." I said, "While were on the subject why are you here?" I asked, "Well since I'm out a job I thought I'd head home and pay my mother... and my new stepfather, that I didn't know I had, a visit. They didn't even invite me to the wedding!" She said, "You'll invite me to your wedding wont you hon." She said, "Of coarse I will." I said, "And while were on the subject I'd like you to meet someone. This is Cinder Fall she's my girlfriend. Cinder this is my Mom Stella Ambers." I said, "It's nice to meet you." Cinder said, "It's very nice to meet you dear." Stella said, "Honey." She said, "Yes?" I said, "Good job, I knew you'd land a good one." She said, "I better have, I lost an arm for her." I said, "Well that's love sometimes. But it's worth it." She said, "No I literally lost my left arm. My sister cut it off." I said as I showed he my left arm, "Oh my." She said in shock.

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