Don't Push the Cinder Button

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(y/n) POV

"You ready Ava?" I asked, " Yeah, but I'm still a bit nervous." Ava said, "Don't be nervous, I'll handle everything just like last time." I said, "Are you trying to make Cinder mad?" She asked, "At this point it's a game, if she gives in and we fight I win and she knows it." I said, "I don't think I like the way your relationship is with each other." She said aw we walked.

"Hello I'm (y/n) Rose and I'll be your opponent today." I said, "Then what's she here for?" One of our opponents asked, "Handicap." I said, "AND BEGIN!" Port announced, "Feel free to target Ava, I won't stop you." I said as I switched Decaforce into its bladed staff mode.

Cinder POV

"This should be good." Nova said, "And why is that?" I asked, "He's gonna make one of them push it." He said, "Push what?" I asked in confusion, "The Cinder button." He said calmly.

(y/n) POV

One of the opponents rushed at Ava, I sighed and taped the bottom of Decaforce on the ground, suddenly several large explosions went off around him. "MR. BLACKFIELD IS ELIMINATED BY AURA DEPLETION." Port announced, "I get it now you were baiting us. Well I'm not that easy, unlike your mother and girlfriend last night." The other opponent said, "The hell did you just say!" I said, "I said your girlfriend is a slut!" He said, "Don't talk about Cinder like that!" I yelled, "Cinder hugh, yeah Cinder the Slut has a nice ring to it." He said, "Ava did I hear him say what I think he just said?" I asked, "Yep." She said, I smirked and increased the gravity around him. "This is gonna hurt." I said as I walked slowly towards him. Once I reached him I rapidly punched him and withe each punch I released a series of tiny explosions, but just before his aura dropped into the red I stopped and manipulated the iron in my hand into a solid, "Bye!" I said as I punched him in the crotch while releasing a massive explosion. "AND THE WINNER IS (Y/N) ROSE AND AVA SUMMERS!" Port announced, I returned the iron in my hand to normal and walked away.

Cinder POV

"IS THAT WHAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME SOMEONE PUSHES THE CINDER BUTTON?!" I asked in shock, "Pretty much. Last time he tased me for like three hours straight." Nova said, "Awww he's so sweet!" I said, "Yeah if you call insanely violent sweet." He said calmly.

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