The Fall part 2

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(y/n) POV

"Well looks like I'm up. Wish me luck." I said as I entered the arena.

"Sup the names Sun, Sun Wukong." Sun said, "HEY you're the guy who's been hanging around my sisters and their team!" I said, "Neptune was there too." He said, "Cool didn't ask about your boyfriend, now why are you getting so close with my sisters?!" I asked, he ran over and put me in a headlock, "Look I'm just trying to get with Blake." He said, "Sorry dude Nova already called dibs." I said, "NOOOO!" He yelled, "BEGIN!" Port announced, "You wanna fight or should I put you out of your misery?" I asked, suddenly he fired off several shots at me, "Really REALLY going for the dick shot! That's low." I said, I kicked him across the arena, "Honestly I'm glad I had my sword ready." I said as I switched my twin swords to their bladed staff mode. I twirled it around sending a mix of fire and ice attacks at Sun. He either dodged or blocked my attacks, suddenly clones of him rushed at me, I cut one in half, decapitated another, and impaled the third and final clone. I rushed at him and kicked him over the edge of the arena. "AND THE WINNER IS (Y/N) ROSE!" Port announced.

"DUDE THAT WAS AWESOME!" Nova yelled, "Yeah you were amazing!" Ava said, "You could have done better." Eve said, "Thanks guys, I just wish Cinder was here to see this." I said, "AND NOW PYRRHA NIKOS VERSUS PENNY POLENDINA!" Port announced, "I'm gonna stay and watch the match, you guys go home and get some sleep." I said.

The match started out fine, Penny was using her weird laser swords and Pyrrha was using her spear. I could tell that she was still thinking about everything she had just been told. Suddenly I got a text from Cinder telling me to go to the warehouse district and that she would meet me there. As I started to leave I saw Pyrrha kill Penny. Then the broadcast happened and I knew I had to go to the tower.

'Please please please don't be there!' I thought as I sprinted to the tower. I would have been there sooner, but I helped evacuate civilians. I used my semblance to propel myself up to the top of the tower.

Once I reached the top of the tower I saw Pyrrha die and Cinder standing over her. "PYRRHAAAA!" Ruby yelled, "WHAT?!" Cinder yelled, "CINDER!!!" I yelled as I ran out in front of her. Then everything went white.

"Oww my head." I said as I rubbed my head, "(Y/N) I'm so happy you're ok!" Cinder cried as she hugged me, I tried to hold her with my left arm, but it was gone. "M...MY ARM!" I yelled, "Honey lost your arm trying to protect me." She said sadly, "Where is my gear?" I asked, "I'm so sorry, but your weapons are completely destroyed and half of your armor is beyond repair." She said, "Where are we?" I asked, "A place called the realm of darkness. It's ruled by a woman named Salem." She said softly.

Qrow POV

"Tai what am I going to do?! He depended on me for the past eleven years and now he's gone!" I said sadly, "Qrow we can talk about that later, but for now we need to help Ruby. She killed her baby brother, she's gonna need us now more than ever." Tai said.

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