The Visit

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(y/n) POV

I don't know why, maybe it was because of Mom's letter or my breakup with Cinder, or just being back home after so long, but I felt the need to go visit Mom's grave. Ruby told me where it was so I really had no excuse not to go.

As I walked through the forest I thought about what I was gonna say. I was definitely going to tell her about Cinder and about one of our more memorable dates.

As I approached the grave I saw a familiar figure standing in front of it. "Hey Raven." I said as I approached her, "Hello (y/n) what are you doing here?" She asked, "Well I'm visiting Mom for the first time I've got some stuff to tell her." I said, "Well if you don't mind I'd like to stay, believe it or not I made a promise to your mother to always protect you. And well I feel that hearing what's been going on in your life could help with that." She said, "I'd rather you did stay, I'm actually kinda nervous about this she left me a perfect letter and amazing armor. How could I ever compare to something like that. But I'm gonna try." I said calmly as I walked up to the grave stone. 

"Hey Mom I'm sorry that I've never visited before now, but living with Da... I mean Qrow, didn't give me very many opportunities to come visit. I met someone, we dated for a few weeks, but we broke up yesterday. I know getting dumped on your birthday sounds like a great birthday gift, but she had to move to Mistral, that doesn't make it any less painful though. We had a lot of fun together. So I'm gonna tell you the story of our most memorable date." I said calmly.

Flashback three weeks ago Tuesday 9:33 PM (y/n) POV

"Cinder are you sure you want to go to this club?" I asked, "(y/n) stop worrying it'll be fine." Cinder said as she pulled me inside, we decided that it'd be fun to wear the clothes that we wore when we first met.

After about twenty minutes or so I was getting really annoyed, a bunch of guys kept hitting on Cinder. Finally after one guy who just wouldn't take no for an answer came back for the tenth time I snapped. "Hey hottie why not ditch this looser and come dance with a real man." He said as he grabbed her shoulder, "Leave her alone." I said as I grabbed him by the wrist, "And if I don't?" He asked smugly, I smirked and bent his wrists back, "You best let go of our boy if you know what's good for ya." Another guy said as him and a large group of guy approached us, "And if I don't?" I said smugly, then the other man tried to punch me, but I used the guy who's wrist I was holding as a shield. "Cinder stay behind me, I'm gonna teach them a lesson." I said calmly.

I changed the gravity around the guy I was using as a shield and threw him across the room. The group rushed at me, but I pulled Cinder close and held her tight asi created a vortex around us. The group was effectively dealt with except for four including the guy I threw. They all had guns aimed at me. I keep Cinder close as they fired every bullet they had. I used my new technique to stop the bullets, I generated a dense electromagnetic field around myself, I called it my EM Barrier. I made a finger gun and pointed at one of the men. "Bang." I said as I fired a bolt of electricity at him. I repeated this until there was only one person left, suddenly I felt something go through my jacket. "You're fucken dead punk." He said, "Are you sure about that?" I asked as he removed his now melting knife from my jacket. I put my finger gun against his chest, "Bang." I said calmly.

End flashback (y/n) POV

"After that we got kicked out of the club, but that was fine. We just laughed and laughed at how great of a train wreck our date was, but we were fine with that since we were there together." I said, "That's one of my favorite memories with Cinder. Oh and thank you so much for the armor, I know I wasn't supposed to get it till I turned eighteen, but it helped me get out of the bad place I was in. Thanks for everything Mom I love you." I said sweetly.

I talked with Raven for a bit before heading home.

"Don't move a muscle you monster!" An angry kid said from behind me, "it's been a while since anyone's called me a monster, so tell me what did I do to you?" I said calmly, "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my girlfriend!" He said, "Which one was that again?" I asked, "YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER HER!" He yelled, "Dude I've stolen who knows how many other guys girlfriends, why should she be any different?" I asked, "BECAUSE SHE LOVED YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted, I turned around and grabbed him by the throat, "Ya know what I think I do remember her, nice ass, great figure, cute face, easy on the eyes, oh and we can't forget about her amazing rack. May Clover wasn't it? Yeah that sounds about right." I said as I began to squeeze, "Now you're gonna listen and learn something GOT IT!" I said angrily, he nodded, "Good. You can insult me all you want hell you can even try to kill me for all I care, but if you EVER insult my mother or sisters, I will find you and I will kill you slowly and painfully for days on end. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" I yelled as I threw him at a tree, "Y...yes!" He said as he rubbed his throat, "Good now get out of my sight." I said sternly.

Cinder POV

'Oh (y/n) why did I have to fall in love with you.' I thought as I fiddled with the necklace he gave me, "Cinder you're thinking about him again aren't you." Emerald said, "And what if I am, I loved him and it's only been a day since our break up so it's only natural that I'd think about him." I said, "True, but you can't afford to get hung up on some... some fling." She said, I walked over to her and slapped her, "Don't forget all the ways I can make you suffer!" I said calmly.

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