Bad Dad

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(y/n) POV

"Alright you got me." I said, "(y/n) what's going on with you? It's like your deliberately trying to be the bad guy here." Ironwood said, "No if I was trying to be a bad guy I would have shot you like the others wanted, but I'm not." I said, "Instead I propose a little information exchange. You tell me who the winner maiden is and where to find her, and I'll tell you who your daughter is." I said, "If you ask me that's a pretty good deal." Raven said as the others joined us out in the open, "Fine I'll tell you. Honestly (y/n) all you had to do was ask. The winter maiden is Winter." He said, "Thought so." I said as I shot him and Cinder impaled Winter. "B...but why?" He asked weakly, "First of all because I wanna make Cinder as strong as possible, and secondly because she's your daughter." I said, "Goodbye father." Cinder said as she killed her father.

"Now that I have three maidens on my side there is literally no one who can stop us." I said, "And it's all thanks to our expert planning." Cinder said, "I only have one regret, and that is not being able to kill Winter myself." I said as we exited the relic vault with the relic of creation.

Nova POV

We had arrived in Atlas a few days ago and Weiss has been wanting to visit her sister ever since we arrived.

When we arrived at Winter's house we found the place completely trashed, and the crucified bodies of Winter and Ironwood.

Ruby, Yang, Blake, Nora, and Eve took Weiss outside to comfort her while the rest of us took the bodies down off the wall.

"I...I didn't think he would actually go this far." I said in shock, "No one did, but he is with my sister. And knowing her she's probably the one pulling the strings in their little group." Qrow said as he took a drink. "Do you still want to save him?" Jaune asked, "Of coarse I do, he's my best friend and besides for all we know he might not have actually done anything to them." I said optimistically. "He's right, even if (y/n) did do this there's no telling if he actually wanted to or if he was being forced." Ruby said, "Ruby we both know what he's capable of and this is well within the realm of possibly." Jaune said.

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