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(y/n) POV

"Where's Cinder?" I asked, "Your sister killed her while we were trying to retrieve the relic." Raven said, "WHAT!" I shouted, "She's dead." She repeated, "No she's not, but that's not why I'm mad. I'm mad because you tried to lie to me." I said, "(y/n) what are you gonna do?" Ava asked, "Well I'm going to go look for her of coarse. Oh and Raven if you ever try to lie to me again, I'll kill you." I said, suddenly Mercury grabbed my shoulder, "What do you think your doing? We have to go report to Salem." He said, "How about no. She's not the boss of me. I've got my group and she has hers." I said, "Yeah, but she is also the queen of the grimm. I don't think that's an enemy you wanna have." He said, "I'll take my chances." I said as I walked away.

Ava and I searched for Cinder for close to five hours while Raven got us a hotel room. "So (y/n) what will you do if she really is dead?" Ava asked in a British accent, "Ava why are you nervous?" I asked, "W...what I'm not nervous!" She said in the accent, "Yes you are, ever since I broke up with Velvet whenever your nervous or its just the two of us you start speaking in a British accent." I said, "Oh bollocks." She said, suddenly she kissed me. "AVA WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, "I...I'm sorry, I...I just couldn't help myself." She said, "Ava what's going on with you? I mean you've always acted weird around me, but this it something else." I said, "It's just, I...I...I've been in love with you ever since you saved my life. I wanted to tell you how I felt for so long now, but every time I was ready to confess you were with someone." She said, I sat down next to her and  put my arm around her, "Fell better now?" I asked, she nodded, "Do you wanna talk about it or head to the hotel?" I asked, "I honestly don't want to do anything right now." She said as she put her head on my shoulder.

Cinder POV

I was walking through town after my talk with Little Miss Malachite, when I saw (y/n) and Ava sitting together at a fountain. 'What are they doing here? And why is Ava even here?' I thought, suddenly I saw Ava kiss (y/n), 'THAT BITCH! I'll kill her for trying to take him from me!' I thought. I watched them for a bit longer before I walked away.

Nova POV 

We got caught in a snow storm last night and were lucky enough to have found an abandoned farm. We decided to stay there for the night, but I had a bad feeling about our decision. "Lets get some rest alright guys." Ruby said, "I...I'm gonna go for a walk." I said as I walked away.

"God my head is killing me." I said as I walked out to the well, "Hey Nova is everything alright?" Ruby asked, "I...I don't know, my head is killing me and I cant shake this feeling that something is wrong here." I said, "N...Nova have your eyes always been able to glow blue?!" She asked, "No why?" I asked, "What's your semblance?" She asked, "I have no idea, it hasn't manifested yet." I said, "Well it's just a thought, but what if your new glowing eyes have something to do with your semblance." She said as she walked back inside. "Part of my semblance hugh, I just wish I knew what it was or how to use it. I could as Jinn, but I doubt she would do me any favors." I said, "WHELP I guess I'll just have to figure that out on my own." I said. I went back inside and went to sleep.

(y/n) POV

"Alright in three days we will be going to Atlas with or without Cinder." I said, "So your giving up looking for her then?" Raven asked, "No of coarse not, if I was giving up I would have said we would be leaving in the morning instead of in three days." I said.

Nova POV

"Good morning Ruby." I said, "Oh good morning Nova, are you feeling any better?" Ruby asked, "Yeah I feel a lot better now." I said, "That's good to hear, you better get ready to go we'll be leaving soon." She said as she walked away.

(y/n) POV

"I'm gonna go, there's something I wanna do in Argus." I said, "While I'm gone you two look for Cinder and we'll meet up in Atlas." I said as I left.

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