The Intervention

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(y/n) POV

"I...It all started when Ozpin planned an intervention for Dad for his drinking." I said shakily.

Flashback earlier that day

"Is this an intervention?" Dad asked, "Dad the drinking it has to stop." I said, "It was understandable when I was a kid and you were still dealing with Mom's death, but raising me should have made up for what you couldn't do for her." I said calmly.

'A few hours later I was called back by Glynda.'

"This is about the fighting isn't it?' I asked, "(y/n) we love you and want whats best for you, but the fighting has to stop." Dad said, "Bull shit! Dad the two of us have been getting into bar fights since I was eight!" I said, "Qrow your a horrible father." Glynda said, "Oh wait till you here where he took me for my sixth birthday." I said, "Oh do please continue." Ozpin said, "Pull up a chair kiddies it's story time." I said, soon Ironwood and Glynda pulled their chairs closer. "So there I was, a curious six year old little boy, standing outside a strip club with my Dad." I said, "QROW!" Glynda, Ironwood, and Ozpin said, "What I thought it was a good idea at the time!" Dad said, "He said he wanted a bouncy castle, and well you see where I'm going with this." He said, "Wait how long has Winter been over there?!" I asked, "What are you talking about?" Ironwood asked, "SHE'S ON THE WINDOW LIKE A DAMN XENOMORPH!" I yelled, "What are you... OH GOD HOW DID SHE GIT UP HERE?!" He yelled, "QROW YOU TOOK HIM TO A STRIP CLUB!!!" Winter yelled, "Father help me I am so frightened." I said, "I'd say hit the window, but she's like a boomerang, she always comes back." Dad said, "So your at a strip club." Ozpin said, "So I'm at a strip club." I said, "Dad normally was all the girls favorite for whatever reason, but that day I was there and well I was freaking adorable. While the girls kept me entertained, they also taught me something closeup magic." I said as I pulled Dad's ID out of nowhere, "Where did you get that?!" Dad asked, "Found it." I said, "Why is my name crossed out and poorly written over in marker?" He asked, "HA! Shows what you know that was crayon." I said confidently.

<Three and a half hours later >

"And that's why I go to the same strip club every year on my birthday." I said as I finished my story. "That was... I... I don't know if I should be touched or confused or concerned!" Glynda said, "Qrow what made you think that leaving him there for six hours was a good idea?!" Ozpin asked, "He was having fun, and all the girls liked him so I didn't see the problem." Dad said, "I feel like we need to keep Qrow far away from (y/n)." Ironwood said, "But who would keep an eye on him?" Glynda asked, "I'll do it!" Winter yelled excitedly.

End flashback (y/n) POV

"There was sixteen more interventions that day, each one more revealing that the last, at one point I almost got with Glynda." I said, "I see, now if I remember correctly you have a girlfriend correct?" A woman asked, "Yeah that's why I didn't get with her." I said, "Good boy." She said, "Ya know I feel a lot better now. Thanks Candi I enjoy our talks." I said as I left the strip club.

Ok so I made this chapter to kinda distract from the shit storm that's coming up soon.

I would like to explain the Winter Xenomorph joke. So I was looking for cover images online and came across a picture of Qrow and Winter and I thought "Damn... Winter looks like a Xenomorph." and I kinda just went with it.

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