The Surprise

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(y/n) POV

I finally arrived in Argus, my plan was finally going to begin.

Nova POV

"It's good to see you guys again." I said, "Ok what happened to you?" Jaune asked, "He discovered his semblance." Ruby said, "That's right, I can sense grimm and I'm immune to any abilities they may have, but there's another part to it that I can't figure out." I said, "My eyes glow blue and for a while my head feels like it's being crushed, but I also feel a lot stronger and more aware of myself and my surroundings." I said, "Well in time you will figure it out. I just wish Pyrrha was here, she could help you more than I can." He said as we walked.

"Sis we're back!" Jaune announced, "And then he drops my scroll into the deathstriker's nest. I didn't know what to do, I knew I had to go get it, but I didn't want to." A man said, I heard Saphron start to laugh, "Sis aren't you gonna come say hi to your baby brother?" I said as I entered the living room and saw her sitting across from (y/n). "What are you doing here (y/n)." I said, "Oh hey Nova, I was just telling your lovely sister about the time you almost got us killed." He said, "Yeah it's a great story, but why are you here." I said, "Oh come on Nova, cant I just pay my friend a visit?" He asked, "You could, but you're not. You're here for something and I wanna know what." I said, "I want to talk." He said, "Fine let's go talk, but Ruby is coming with us." I said, "YOU BASTARD!" Jaune yelled as he tried to punch (y/n), but his fist was stopped somehow, "Jaune I don't wanna fight, in fact what I'm here to do may just benefit you." He said calmly, "Ok boys that's quite enough. Nova, you and your friend can talk after everyone is done eating, and Jaune I don't want you to attack him again. He's been a big help to me today and he's here as my guest." Sis said sternly.

(y/n) POV

"So what did you want to talk about?" Ruby asked, "I wanted to know what you planned on doing next." I said, "We're going to Atlas to talk to Ironwood." She said, "What a coincidence that's exactly what I'm going to do, but I doubt it's about the same thing." I said, "You know your going to loose. We are going to beat you, then Salem and Cinder and after all of that I'm gonna give you a choice, come back with us and go back to how things were, or we let your family deal with you." Nova said, "Also how did you help my sister today?" He asked, "Oh that, I saved her and her baby form getting run over by a car, but I can't say the same about the drunk idiot who was driving." I said, "Thanks I don't know what I'd do if I lost her." He said, "Don't mention it, I honestly had no idea she was your sister until she introduced herself." I said.

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