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A/N: I was originally going to wait like ten days before updating this, but I can already tell the outcome of the vote. And with a score (last time I checked) of ten to two, go with them wins as I thought it would.

Now that that's done let's get on with the story!

(y/n) POV

"So (y/n) what will you do now?" Ruby asked, "Will you join us or leave us behind?" Yang asked, "Babe this is your choice, and I'll stay with you no matter what you chose." Cinder said. "I think it would be best if we all joined forces." I said, "Good choice little bro." Yang said, "Wait your not mad that I tried to kill you?" I asked, "No, I mean you were working for Salem at the time so its not like you had a choice in the matter." She said, 'Except I wasn't. Yeah I'm just gonna keep that to myself.' I thought, "Hand it over bud." Dad said, "What are you talking about?" I asked, "Don't play dumb, give me the relic." He said, "I would, but I don't have it." I said, "WHAT?!" He asked angrily, "Relax, I said I didn't have it. I said nothing about your sister though." I said as Raven handed Ruby the relic, "By the way what happened to you guys after I left Argus?" I asked, "Yang and I disabled communications at a military base, and the others stole a manta and fought a giant robot. Then we killed a Leviathan!" Nova said, "Then we went to Atlas, found Ironwood and Winter dead, and then came here." He said, "Ok, well I killed a dragon with a tornado, that was a fun ten minutes." I said. 

"We ready to go?" Ruby asked, "Yeah." I said as I got on the bullhead. "Leaving so soon?" A man said as he approached the bullhead, suddenly a powerful wave of energy flew towards us, but before it could damage the ship I blocked it with a dense wall of ice. "Back for round two then." Nova said as he drew his swords. "A...Adam?!" Blake said in fear. I was about to draw Grim Reaper when Dad handed me a sword, "Go." He said. I nodded and ran out to the battle.

"HEY ADAM!" I yelled as I jumped off a ruin and kicked him in the face. "Tell Salem we quit." I said as I readied my blade.

"Dude how many weapons do you need?!" Nova asked, "Apparently a lot

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"Dude how many weapons do you need?!" Nova asked, "Apparently a lot." I said, "Well after we finish up here we should get you some new armor." Yang said, "Yeah! The armor you've got now is barely holding together as it is." Ruby said, "She has a point honey." Cinder said, "Whatever, let's just beat him and get out of here." I said, "Easier said than done." Blake said as she walked over to me, "Blake I know he's your enemy, but would you mind if I fought him for you?" I asked, "Why?" She asked, "Let's just say i's personal." I said as I gripped my blade tightly, "Alright, but I'm backing you up." She said, "OZPIN!" Hazel shouted as he ran through some buildings, "Ok Blake and I will fight Adam, and everyone else can fight Hazel." I said. "Right!" Everyone said as they ran off.

I rushed at Adam and slashed at him, "(Y/N) THAT WONT WORK! HIS SEMBLANCE LETS HIM STORE ENERGY FROM ATTACKS IN HIS SWORD AND THEN RELEASE IT ALL AT ONCE!" Blake shouted, "I KNOW!" I shouted as I stabbed him in the leg and destroyed his sword. "Even with his semblance I could still kill him millions of times over with a snap of my fingers." I said, "Now Adam you took Yang's arm right? Well you know what they say about karma. She's a bitch." I said as I cut off his left arm, "Oh and you stabbed Blake didn't you." I said as I stabbed him in about the same spot he stabbed Blake, "That was just me getting pay back for my friends and family, but how many people have you killed over the years?" I asked, "How the hell am I supposed to remember that?" He asked, "You see that's the problem, I remember exactly how many people I've killed. I've killed two people." I said. "One." I said as I impaled Hazel with several spikes of ice, "And two." I said as I pointed my left arm at his head and deployed the gun, "Any last words?" I asked, "Go to hell." He said, "You first." I said as I shot him and walked away.

"What was that?!" Dad asked, "What are you honestly surprised? I only did what you trained me to do, and it's not like I killed them for shits and giggles, I did it because I knew if I didn't than they would pose a problem for us in the future." I said, "He did the right thing Qrow." Raven said, "Oh like you have any room to talk!" He said, "Both of you shut up!" Maria said, "Now I don't agree with what he did, but it was for the good of others so in a way he is justified." She said.

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