Time to Say Goodbye

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(y/n) POV

It's been one hell of a journey, but like all good, or terrible depending on your perspective, must come to an end. Let's get you caught up on what we've been doing the past few months. Well let's start with Dad and Raven, yeah not much has really changed much with them other than Dad having a Ross and Rachel thing with some guy named Clover. If I'm being honest it was kinda weird. On to Ruby and Weiss, it's still a lot of Weiss being a Tsundere and Ruby being her ditsy, oblivious self. Yang and Blake finally got together and failed at hiding it. Turns out Nova had a thing for Eve. Oh, I just realized you've never seen what Eve, Nova, and Ava look like! Well, let's fix that. First on the list is Eve.

 First on the list is Eve

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Next up Nova.

And finally Ava

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And finally Ava.

Now that, that's taken care of, let's continue

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Now that, that's taken care of, let's continue. Ava still has a thing for me. Stella is still with us except she learned a few things from Raven now she's a fairly decent huntress all things considered. And finally, Cinder and I are planning on making a grand exit. Now let's get on with the story, shall we?

"It's been one hell of a ride and its only fitting that we end up back where we started." Nova said, "Wow feeling continental are we?" I said, "Ah so many good memories." Cinder said as we looked out at Vale, "Like how you killed Pyrrha?" Jaune said, "That is one of the highlights yes." Cinder said, "Cinder don't antagonize him." I said, "But it's so easy." She said, "That's why you shouldn't antagonize him, there's no challenge in it." I said, "Are you sure this is what you want? I mean one wrong move and..." Cinder whispered, "Is it risky? Yes very much so, but who better than me to go forward with this insane plan of ours." I said, "You have a point...even if it is a dumb one." She said. "So what's your plan?" Oscar asked, "Oh nothing too spectacular. I'm just gonna break the one rule Ozpin has to follow. I'm gonna bring the relics together." I said, "good luck with that since you only have two relics." Jaune said, "Only two?" I said as I pointed at Stella who had the relic of destruction, "See while we were dealing with Tyrian, I had Stella go in and steal the relic." I said, "HOW! She's not a maiden!" Dad said, "No she's not...but Ava is. Well as of two weeks ago she is." I said, "See Tyrian did one little thing wrong before he went to Vacuo, and that was he killed the former summer maiden who just so happened to be Ava's step-mom and well the rest is history." I said, "We'll stop you (y/n)." Ruby said, "No, you won't." Nova said as he and the rest of my team gathered around me, "Stella don't do this." Dad said, "Sorry Qrow, I have to stand behind my son." Stella said, "Raven?" I said, "If anyone can make this insanity into something great it's you." Raven said as she walked over to my side, "NOVA WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER?! SHE MURDERED PYRRHA!" Jaune shouted, "I know, but Jaune Pyrrha was your girl, not mine, and frankly I'm sick and tired of looking out for you. You're my big brother Jaune, but ever since we were kids it was always me and our sisters who looked out for you! It's time to grow up and face facts, Cinder may be a monster, but at least I know I can rely on her to pull her own weight." Nova said, "Ava, you have to know this is wrong." Ren said, "Is it tho? I mean (y/n)'s done some pretty amazing things in such a short time. So why shouldn't I trust him? I do love him after all." Ava said, "Eve if you do this I'll break you!" Nora said, "I'd like to see you try." Eve said, "(y/n) let's go." Stella said as we walked away.

"So this was where the vault was hidden?" Cinder said, "Freaking Port's classroom!" She said, "Well it's the last place, anyone would think to look." I said, "You have a point." She said as we opened the wall revealing an elevator leading down to the relic vault.

"Are you ready?" I asked, "Yeah." Cinder said as she opened the vault. We both went inside and grabbed the crown, suddenly the room was replaced with an endless black void, "You have gathered the four relics and summoned us to your world to judge humanity once more." a gold man said, "If we do not deem you worthy for us to return than we shall end you all once and for all." a man made of darkness said, "Ok I'm gonna stop you there." I said earning their attention, "Humans...they suck! Most of them are useless, some are horrible and commit atrocities, some are decent enough, and most are insanely manipulative. But they learn from their mistakes, feel true sorrow when they hurt someone they love and can find a to make the best out of a terrible situation. I've seen the absolute worst that humanity had to offer and then I found something worse, something that goes by the name of Salem, the woman who killed my mother, and you know what I've also seen the best of humanity in my sister and her friends. Sure they made so many mistakes but who hasn't! But that's not the most amazing thing humans can do! I've seen just how great our ability to change is, just look at my girlfriend! She destroyed Vale, but she's changed so much and for the better!" I said, "So before you judge them judge yourselves first cause no one's perfect not even the two of you." I said, "What you've described to us tells me that humanity is still flawed!" the God Darkness said, "Yeah we are, but that's what makes us great." I said, "Interesting. I can see that you don't care one way or another if we judge humanity favorably or not. Why is that?" the God of Light asked, "Because I don't plan on sticking around. I'm tired of this, I can't keep wondering if what I'm doing is right or not, I want to start over." I said, "I see. What is your name?" He asked, "(y/n), (y/n) Rose." I said, "(y/n) Rose, You have shown me that there is value in humanity, I shall grant you one request." He said, "I want you to make me a new universe, one that I can make my way." I said, "Very well." He said as a portal formed next to him, "Oh I'll be taking these, you two should stick around and watch what happens. Us humans are full of surprises." I said as I tapped the relic of creation on the ground, "You're welcome Jaune and Stella." I said as Cinder and I walked through the portal.

Jaune POV

"NOVA GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I shouted as our blades locked, "Jaune?" a woman said causing me to look over at her, "P...Pyrrha?" I said in shock, "Jaune!" She said as she ran over to me clenching onto the tattered cover that she had wrapped around her, once she reached me she kissed me, "H...How?! I thought you were dead!" I said, "(y/n) did it. (y/n) brought her back." Stella said as she walked over to us holding a baby, "He always knew I wanted to be a mother and have a baby, but I couldn't so he gave me one." She said, "But why aren't we all dead?!" Ruby asked, "He convinced them, he actually convinced the Gods to spare us!" Oscar said.

(y/n) POV

Well, that's the end of our story. Together CInder and I created our own universe. We made a world called Earth. We decided that humans didn't need magic or semblances, they just needed someone there to give them a little nudge every so often. Sure there were times where we dropped the ball and terrible things happened because of it, but humanity bounced back. One day I decided to throw a curveball into the mix and I shared my story with a man named Monty. Naturally, I had him change a lot, but I think it was better without me. Where are we now? Oh well, that's easy to answer, Cinder and I are out in the world keeping an eye on our humans. When we came through the portal I granted us with immortality, was it a bad idea, not at all since we already planned on staying together forever. Oh, Cinder and I had a kid! Her name's Ruby, we named her after my sister. Cinder came up with her name, I wanted to name her Ember or Stella, but no Cinder's the boss. Now I'm leaving you this book in hopes that you'll learn from my mistakes and be better than me...or don't and have the take away be, be bold, and live life to the fullest. It's your choice and your life, so choose wisely.

OH and before I leave you, I thought it'd be funny to have cinder dress up, it was, here's what she dressed up as. The irony kills.

 The irony kills

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