Daddy's Little Terror

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Cinder POV

"I hope I don't run into him while in Atlas." I said as we began to land.

(y/n) POV

"So let me get this straight. Not only do I have a daughter, and she killed her neglective mother." James said, "Pretty much." I said, "Oh and she may or may not be dead as well." I said, "Well on another note lets discuss the thousands of lien worth of property damage you and Winter caused." He said, "In my defense It was mostly Winter." I said as he displayed a hologram in front of me, 'DRAGON TWISTER!' I yelled on the hologram, "I plead the fifth." I said, "Well as your punishment you will have to stay with Winter for the duration of your time in Atlas." He said, "PLEASE UNCLE JAMES ANYTHING BUT THAT!" I shouted.

Cinder POV

"C...Cinder?" Ava asked from behind me, "Hello Ava." I said coldly as I turned to face her, "Cinder where have you been?! (y/n) has been so worried about you!" She said as she hugged me, "Ava I know what you did." I said, "What are you talking about?" She asked, "You tried to steal my boyfriend. The last person who tried and failed at that was Pyrrha and well we all know what happened to her." I said calmly. "Stop it." (y/n) said as he smacked the back of my head, "Ow what was that for, and why aren't you hugging and kissing me?!" I asked, "Because I knew you were alive this entire time." He said, "A better question is why didn't you join up with us back in Mistral?" He asked, "I well um I nodded to be alone for a while." I said.

(y/n) POV

"Well I've gotta go, as punishment for all the property damage I caused I have to stay with Winter while we're in Atlas." I said, "Since when do you listen to well anyone?" Cinder asked, "Since the guy in charge is your father and I have a sinking feeling you want to kill him." I said, "You know me so well." She said, "Oh and you left your scythe at Haven, but being the great girlfriend that I am I brought it with me." She said as she handed me Grim Reaper, "Thanks, now I've gotta go meet up with Winter unless we wanna go now... anyone, no just me. Fine screw you too!" I said, "Aww honey you don't have to go." She said.

"Ok we've been here for almost a week now and we're no closer to getting the damn relic!" I complained, "Well unless you know who the winter maiden is we're kinda out of luck." Raven said, "Well I have an idea, but it's a long shot." I said, "Let's hear it." Cinder said as she clung to my arm, "Winter Schnee. Ironwood keeps her close, closer than anyone. Plus she wouldn't try anything with me if she didn't have one hell of a trump card hidden away." I said, "Oh my god, why did it take us this long to think of this?!" Ava said, "Well We're gonna go test my theory." I said as Cinder and I walked away.

"And who is this?" Winter asked, "My girlfriend." I said, "Well too bad she can't have you. Your my play thing." She said, "There is a person attached to this robot arm you know." I said as she walked away, "Hey get back here, I WILL NOT BE OBJECTIFIED!" I shouted, as expected she ignored me. "Ok let's do what we do best." I said, "How do you wanna handle this?" Cinder asked, "Big, hot, and loud." I said. "Ah our specialty." She said as she kissed me.

Winter POV

I was just getting home when I saw every window in my house was flashing multiple colors and hardly audible music was blaring from inside.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!"I shouted as I entered the house, "Oh hey Winter, feel free to enjoy the party." (y/n) said, "Oh and Cinder and I screwed in your bed." He said as he walked away. 

(y/n) POV

"Well?" Ava asked, "I think it's working, just be ready to use your semblance alright Ava." I said, "What even is her semblance anyway?" Cinder asked, "It's called Forge, it allows her to create any weapon she wants in a matter of seconds, but the more complex the weapon the longer it takes to create." I said, "I can show you if you want." Ava said, Raven nodded, Ava raised her right hand and black flames erupted into the air, she took hold of the flames and swung them down as if she were wielding a sword and as did the flames dispersed and katana took their place.

" Ava said, Raven nodded, Ava raised her right hand and black flames erupted into the air, she took hold of the flames and swung them down as if she were wielding a sword and as did the flames dispersed and katana took their place

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"That's cool, so she doesn't have a weapon then?" Cinder asked, "No I do, it's just I don't usually get to use it." Ava said as she pulled out a revolver.

" Ava said as she pulled out a revolver

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"I also have these." She said as she pulled out two more revolvers.

"EVERYONE OUT!!!!" Winter shouted from inside, "Well she's defiantly mad let's see if our plan worked

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"EVERYONE OUT!!!!" Winter shouted from inside, "Well she's defiantly mad let's see if our plan worked." I said as we entered the house.

"Winter he's a teenager he's gonna do stuff like this, he's gonna try to push your buttons and try your patients." Ironwood said, "Shit! Your dad is here!" I said, "(Y/N) GET OUT HERE!" He yelled, "NO!" I said, "(Y/N) DON'T MAKE ME DRAG YOU OUT HERE!" He yelled, "He really will." I said, "Oh well I guess I'll just have take matters into my own hands." I said as I drew Grim Reaper in its assault rifle mode, "No take this." Ava said as she gave me a revolver.

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