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Hey you guys my name is Hope Jenkins, I'm 21 years old. I'm live in New York but I was born in California. I have long brown hair, i'm mixed with Puerto Rican and Jamaican , i'm 5'3. The reasons that i moved will be explain throughout this story, so i won't say it now, but I'll just say that i don't always feel comfortable speaking about it to most people.

I've been living in New York for 5 years, and i live with my boyfriend of 3 years. I met him while i was at a party with a group of my girl friends and we automatically connected but once we started to date he started to get really clingy. Then he started to invade all of my privacy, by popping up on me while at work, hanging out with the girls or even when I'm at school. I'm not even going to lie sometimes I really just want to break up with him but every time I try and build up the courage to do it he does something really sweet to pull me back in and i just can't resist him. But lately he just gets really mad at me when I don't do what he asks or if I go somewhere without him or if there are other guys around me, he has hit me one or twice or even more but I just can't build up the courage to end it or he'll do worse than just slap me around.

But anyways let's get into my story of my UNCONTROLLED LOVE.

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