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Lately Hope and I have been really distant I just want to show her that i really do love her and I really do care for her. One day I want to make her my wife but if she keeps acting so motherf*cking disrespectful, that thought will go right out the window.

"Hope where are you" I said aiming up the stairs

"I'm in the bathroom" she said as i walked into the bedroom and then entering the bathroom

"what's the matter, what do you need" she said when i entered

" I just want to know if you thought about going to dinner or not?" i said as i took a seat on the rim of the bathtub while she was washing her face in the sink.

"Jae i really want to go out with you but everytime we go out there is always a problem and i'm trying not to argue anymore" she said as she was drying off her face and sitting on the closed toilet seat while looking at me.

" what are you talking about we literally never argue when we go out for dinner, you're bugging" i said getting up and walking towards her and grabbing her arm, making her stand up.

"Babe are you seriously going to sit here and tell me that you have never hit me when we have went out because another guy was looking at me or you have never made me change my outfit because 'it showed too much as*'." she said as i could tell she was getting frustrated.

"Hope omg please don't sit here and lie bruh i have never done that, what are you even talking about" i said balling up my fist starting to get angry.

"Jason King Johnson are you f*cking kidding me right now, you're really going to sit here and lie, what do you need to lie for we are the only ones in here. I hope you know your mother would be so disappointed in you right now." Once she said that i lost it i grabbed her by the throat and slammed her again the wall.


" Please Jae I'm sorry please don't hit me" she said as she started to cry.

I finally let go of her throat, when i did she just feel to the floor and broke down in tears. I felt bad for what i had did but i just hate when she tests my patience or when she bring up my mom and my government name. I walked out of the bathroom and went to lay on the bed to clear my mind. Hope came out of the bathroom and went straight to the closet and she grabbed a duffle bag and started throwing clothes and all her other stuff inside of it.

"where the f*ck are you going" i said when i entered the closet.

"i can't stay here with you, why can't you just let me go, you don't even love me so why do you want me to stay so bad, you abuse me and yell at me every chance you get and you f*ck me without my permission, so what am i really saying with you for exactly?" she said as she continued to pack her stuff.

"Hope how don't i love you, trust me i wouldn't hit you if i didn't love you , you're always testing me and my gangsta like you know i don't like to talk about my moms and you know why i don't like my name so why would you bring that shit up and you know damn well that i love you." i said getting closer to her and looking into her eyes

" Jason this is not f*ckinng love, a person that love another person does not hit them or threaten their life and the surely are confident enough to trust the person they love to go to the mf grocery store by them self!"

"So why now, why do you want to leave now? we have been together for 3 years and you just now want to leave."

"and where the fuck are you even gonna go, you don't have any family here and you don't have friends." i added so she continued to pack up.

" i don't know but i just want to get away from your evil selfish as*!!" Once she said that i grabbed her by her hair and ragged her all the way to the bed and threw her on the bed.

I started to choke her and i said " i don't know what wrong with your head but you definitely not leaving me ever in life so you better get f*cking comfortable." i started to kiss her then i when down to her neck, then her stomach and i start to finger her.

Hope POV

I don't know why i even let myself get into this type of thing. For 3 years i have been trying my hardest to love this man but all he does is make me fall even more of out of love with him. I don't even know where this all went wrong, it's like one morning he just woke up a whole different person and the old Jason won't come back.

As he sat there and fingered me while choking me I didn't even more i just laid there with tears streaming down my face. After he was done fingering me, he started to eat and i'm not even gonna lie it felt so good but i could let him know that or else he'll think what he's doing is okay. After that he pulled down his pants and whipped out his member and stared to rub it against🐱and i instantly wanted more but instead i told him to stop.

"Please don't do this i'm sorry" i said trying to sit up and move his lil friend but he still had my neck in this hand so that didn't really work.

"shhh it's okay calm down" he said and then rammed inside of me. " you like that b*tch" he said as i started to moan and scratch his back as he stroke deep inside.

"yes give me more please" i said in between moans

" what's my name ?" he said while slowing down ands look down at me


"nah" he said as he did a really hard and deep stroke making me scream, "what's my name?"

"Daddy" i said

When he finally came i started to panic because he did it inside of me and i definitely so want to get pregnant by him.

"wtf why would you you do that for"

" because i can you're my property"

I didn't even say anything after i just went straight into the bathroom and took a shower and hoping that i don't get pregnant by this dumb n*gga

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