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Hope POV
Next Monday

Me and the girls met up at April and May's house. We all sat in the living room trying to decide what movie we wanted to watch and Diamond was ordering some chinese food.

"so May where have you been? we missed you" Paris asked

"i went to New York to go see a friend" when she said that i instantly got a little choked up

"umm i didn't know you had friends in New York, you never mentioned that" i said

"well he's a new friend" she said

"ok well the movie choices are ATL, Love & Basketball or Friday" April said trying to change the subject.

"umm we should watch ATL" Paris, Diamond and i said and then got comfortable next to Paris.

After watching the movie for about 20 minutes, the doorbell ring and April went to her purse to grab money to pay for the food and came back with the food.

2 hours later the movie was over and we cleaned up the living room. then i made my way to Khalil's house.

Paris POV

During the whole movie i could see May looking at Hope with this weird smirk and then she would type really fast on her phone texting someone. At one point during the movie i saw her sneak a picture of Hope, i just found if really weird, so i pretended to use the bathroom but i really was trying to see who May was texting and i was the name Jae on her screen. I tried to think really hard about where i heard that name before and then it hit me, it's Hope's ex.

When Hope left and everyone else was doing their thing i pulled May to the side to question her.

"hey May can i talk to you real quick" i said and grabbed her arm and pulled her to the laundry room

"wassup" she said

"so what's been going on with you, we haven't talked in like a month." i asked

"umm nothing just chilling you know" she said in a weird tone of voice. 

"you sure nothing going on?" i asked for the last time

" yea i sure." she said and made her way out of the laundry room

I could just feel something, i don't know what the hell is going on but i know i'll figure it out soon.

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