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Hope Pov

it's been about a week since Khalil has asked me to be his girlfriend, i'm so happy that i can finally claim him as mine.

unfortunately i started my period, and when i'm on my period i literally shut the whole world out because i'm in so much pain that i can't even function. i just decided to turn my phone on DND because i don't feel like being bothered with anything, i just want to lay in bed, cry, eat and watch movies. i didn't fall Khalil over because i get attitudes really easily and i didn't want to bring that bad energy around him.

while i was laying in my bed watching Love and basketball i heard the door bell ringing so i threw my blanket around my body and went to open the door but first i looked through the peep hole and saw it was Khalil. so i opened it.

"hey baby what are you doing here" i said

"why haven't you been answering the phone, you had me worried" he said pushing past me and coming inside the house.

"i'm sorry i'm just not feeling good so i put my phone on DnD, i just don't feel like talking to anyone today" i said while following him into the living room

"what wrong babe, you okay" he asked while pull me into his lap and putting his arms around my waist

"it's just that time of the month and on my first day it's the worst so i don't really feel the best right now" i said and laid my head on his chest

"aww i'm sorry baby, i wish i could do something to help you. you want me to go get you something to eat" he rubbed his hand up and down my back, it felt so comforting considering the fact that my cramps were very uncomfortable.

"umm can you just order something off of uber eats or something" i asked and started to close my eyes.

"sure baby" he kisses my forehead and then i felt him pick me up bridal style and carried me to my room, placing me down on my bed softly and then laying down beside me and cuddling me.

Khalil Pov

i felt bad for my baby because i know she's in a lot of pain but she's tryna hide it and plus i can't do anything to help her.

when i realized that she was fully asleep i decided to go run to the store and buy her some of her favorite candy, ice cream, pain pills, a heating pad and a teddy bear. the. i went to Mcdonald's and got her the 10 piece meal and then i went to the edible arrangements around the corner from her house and got her some chocolate covered strawberries and 2 cupcakes. i hope this makes her happy.

when i got back i laid all the stuff down in the living room and walked up to her room to see if she was awake. when i walked into her room she was cuddled up in her blankets watching Frozen.

"hey babe, you feel any better from your nap" i asked and kissed her in her forehead.

"no and where did you go"she sound as if she was going to cry

" i went to the store real fast to get some things, im sorry i left you"

"it's ok" she said while her voice cracked and that's when i knew she was crying

"what's wrong baby, why are you crying"

"i don't even know my emotions are all over the place right now, i'm sorry" she said while wiping her eyes, i didn't really know what to do because i don't handle emotions very well so i guess i should just try to cheer her up.

"it's okay baby but i have a surprise for you in the living room" i said and she popped her head up and looked over at me. i grabbed her hand and led her to the living room and when she saw all the food and other things i bought for her she started to cry again.

"aww baby it's okay you don't have to cry" i said whole rubbing her back and then kissing her. she finally stopped and then we took all the things and brought them into her room and turned in another movie while we ate the food and she had the heating pad on her stomach to ease some of the pain.

"you feel better now" i asked after she was done and she just nodded her head. after a while we both drifted off to sleep while cuddling each other.

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