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It's been 2 weeks since Hope has got stabbed and to be honest with you i still done care. At first i was kinda feeling guilty because i was the one who found Jae and told him the Hope was fucking with other niggas. I gave him her work address and watched it all play out from there. I didn't think his dumb ass would stab her, i just thought he would slap her around like her used to do in New York like she told us.

When April told me she got stabbed i tried to play it cool and make seem like i didn't care but in ny head i was freaking out. "What if she dies? What if he told her i called him?" was all i could thing about.

The day she got stabbed, i went to the hospital when i knew no one was there and i went to go see her. As i stood over her body i wanted to kill her so bad. This bitch really had the audacity to try and steal my man, this bitch is fucking insane if she thought i wasn't going to do something about it.

I've been distancing myself from the group because lately they've been hanging out with Khalil, i don't think i'm ready to see and talk to him yet.

Khalil POV

it's been 2 weeks since this whole thing happened. i've been going to the hospital everyday to make sure Hope was okay. If she were to wake up i wanted her to see me first.

After a lot of begging and pleading Diamond finally told me the history between Hope and her ex and after she told me that i wanted to kill that nigga. even though i haven't know Hope for long i still feel like i have this connection with her and i feel like i need to protect her. i don't know i might be crazy or something.

For the past 2 week the police have been looking for Hope's ex but it seems like he fell off the face of the earth. they even looked in new york and still couldn't find him.

This incident made me and the girls closer i guess you could say. we've been hanging out and talking a lot lately but May hasn't been around. She made it seem like she didn't care about Hope at all and it was kinda suspicious to me but oh well.

i decided to go to the hospital and see Hope. when i walked in the room she was staying in she looked the same as always, beautiful, even with all this machines hooked up to her she was still beautiful to me.

i walked up to her bed and pulled up a chair. when i sat down i grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb up and down her hand.

"hey Hope it's me again, i really hope you can hear me, i really hope you wake up soon. i miss hearing your voice and seeing you smile. i'm really sorry this happened to you but we are gonna find that bitch ass nigga that did that to you. when you wake up i'm definitely going to make you mine." i said to her and as i was about to continue i felt her hand move a little, at first i thought i was bugging but the i looked up at her and her eyes were open looking around the room. 

"oh shit let me go get the doctor" i said and left the room.

when i came back with the doctors and a nurse they ran some test on her and i had to leave the room. as they did that i called the girls and told them to come to the hospital immediately.

god finally answer my prayers, i finally get a chance to claim my queen.

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