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May Pov
2 Years Later

Everything in my life is going great, after me and Khalil's night we started dating again and then i found out that i was pregnant 4 months later. He proposed to me a year ago and now we are just planning out our wedding. We have a 1 1/2 year old son named Khalil Amir James Jr. but we call him KJ. i love my little family.

"mommy can we go to park today" Kj asked me

"yes baby but we have to get you all cleaned up first" i grabbed him and brought bike upstairs to the bathroom to give him a bath.

Right now Khalil is on some business trip in South Carolina so he won't be back for another week

Hope Pov

These past 2 years have been hell, i had my 3 year told daughter, Kehlani, i kinda names her after Khalil.This little girl is my pride and joy, she's the only reason i keep going. Jae doesn't hit me as much as he used to because Kehlani is here but it still happens at night when she's sleep or things like that.

My birthday is coming up soon and i'm planning to get away from here for the sake of my daughter's wellbeing. I can't stay in this house with this man any longer. He's a terrible father figure to Kehlani and a terrible boyfriend.

"I'm about to go handle some business, i'll be back in 2 hours" Jae said and kissed kehlani's forehead then walked out the door

i took this as my opportunity to gather our stuff up and get the fuck out of here. i told Kehlani to put all her favorite toys into a bag while i put out clothes into a big suitcase.

Over the 2 years 1/2 years i've been with Jae i would steal little amounts of money that i knew he would notice and saved it up for this exact moment. I saved about $7,000, so we should be good for a while.He bought Kehlani a little Ipad you play games in and watch Youtube, but i use it to look up motels nearby so we can go there and hide out until i found a safe place for us.

After i was done packing all our things i made sure to deactivate the iPad so it couldn't be traced.

"okay baby i'm gonna need you to hold you bag with your toys and mommy will hold the big suitcase" i said to kehlani

"Mommy where are we going" she asked me

"umm you and mommy are going on a little adventure" i asked back to her as i made sure i had all the things we need.

"don't we have to wait for daddy to come back so we can leave"

"no baby we can't wait for daddy, but we'll see him again real soon"

i called a taxi to come get us and then they dropped us off at a motel that was at least an hour away from where we stayed at.

Tomorrow i'm gonna get us a train ticket to Georgia and hopefully we can start a new life there.

"Mommy i'm hungry"

"ok mamas let's go to mcdonald's" i grabbed our shoes and walked to the mcdonald's that was around the corner. After we got the food we started walking back to the hotel.

As we were walking i heard someone yell my name, i froze. I didn't know who it was but my mind immediately went to Jae so i picked up Kehlani and ran back to the motel and locked the door, hoping and praying that it wasn't Jae and that he didn't find me.



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