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May Pov
3 weeks later

i'm at JFK airport getting ready to board my flight back to Cali. As soon as i land in Cali my plan will be in affect.

~5 Hours later~

i finally landed and i texted April to come get me from the airport. She didn't know about anything that was going on and i'm planning to keep it that way just to make sure that Hope doesn't know what's coming at her.

when April came to get me she was asking me all these questions and i just gave her brief answers.

"so why were you gone for so long"she asked while driving

"i had to go visit a friend and they needed my help with something" i replied whole looking down at my phone

"who's that friend"

"you don't know him and it's none of your business" i said starting her annoyed by her

"ok fine i'll stop asking questions"

After about 20 minutes we finally arrived home   

Hope POV

Me and Khalil were at the movies on a date when i got a text from May.

hey, i'm back in town and i was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch or something to talk.

umm...sure we can do that.
just text me a time and place, and i'll meet you there.

tomorrow @3pm at starbucks near your apartment.

ok cool

After i finished talking to her i showed the messages to Khalil and he was as confused as i was. Last time i checked she hated me so i was a little confused why she wanted to meet up with me for.  

I just pushed her to the back of my mind and focused on the movie until it was done.

After the movie we went to Wendy's and got some food and went to Khalil's house.

"Babe" i said to Khalil


"i have a bad feeling about meeting with May" i said

" why, i thought you wanted to get back on good terms with her" he said with a little concern in his voice

" i mean i do but i'm just trying to understand why she waited so long to finally try and talk things out with me"

"maybe she wanted to take some time and think about it" he said

"yea i guess you're right but i don't even want to go anymore to be honest" i laid my head on the headboard of the bed looking up at the ceiling.

"baby just go to see what she has to say and if you feel uncomfortable just leave, the least you could do is she what she has to say" he said and i just nodded in response, and then i grabbed my phone and when to instagram. Khalil grabbed my chin and kissed my lips.

"i love you"

"i love you too" i said, we then turned on our show, "Law and Order" and ate our food as we watched it.

Next Day~

it was 2:45 and i was almost don't getting ready to go see May. i was still a little anxious to see her but i guess i'll just get over it. i just decided to wear something simple, just in case.

I made it to the Starbucks in less than 5 minutes and when i walked inside i didn't see May so i just bought a Caramel Frappe and found a secluded table in the back of the store and waited for her

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I made it to the Starbucks in less than 5 minutes and when i walked inside i didn't see May so i just bought a Caramel Frappe and found a secluded table in the back of the store and waited for her.

I heard the bell on the door chime and i looked up and my eyes met with hers and she walked over to me and took a seat in front of me.

"hey" i finally said breaking the silence between us.

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