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Hope Pov

The girls and i were at the club, Exchange right now. May got us one of their VIP spot and it was super fun.

"hey you guys want some drinks" May said, we all said yea and she left our section and went to get our drinks. when she got back she gave all of us our drinks and we just danced and drinker until we couldn't anymore.


When i went to go get the drinks i made sure to put the drug in Hope's drink.

After about 5 more shot and 3 more margaritas i knew that Hope was out of it.

"hey guys i don't feel to good i'm gonna go to the bathroom real fast." she said

"i'll come with you just in case" i said and i trailed behind smiling because my plan was finally almost done. when we got to the bathroom i pulled my phone out and texted Jae.

i got her come to the bathroom

ok i'm coming

5 minutes later Hope was in one of the stalls knocked tf out and then Jae walked in.

i stick out my hand for him to shake it. "thank you for your services, you can take this bitch away now" he shook it and grabbed her then walked out the bathroom.

there's a back door near the bathrooms that goes out to an alley way so Jae used that to get away.

now i had to make it seem like someone really kidnapped her so i banged my head against the sink and then i was out like a light.

next thing i knew i was waking up in the hospital with all the girls, Khalil and a doctor surrendering me.

"finally you're up" the doctor said

"why am i here" i said sitting up and then hissing in pain

"well your friends found you knocked out in the club bathroom so if you would like to fill in the blanks"

"well i was holding Hope's hair up in the bathroom because she was throwing up and then someone came in the bathroom trying to take her, and i was trying to help her but her hit me really hard and after that i blacked out" i said putting on some fake tears to make it seem real.

"did you see the person" the doctor asked

"no he had on a black hoodie" i said

"ok well get some rest and you'll be able to go home tomorrow night and your visitors will have to leave"

" ok bye guys i'll see y'all later" i gave everyone a hug as they walked out. Khalil was the last one to trail out so i called his name.

"Khalil" i called and he turned around


"i just wanna say i'm sorry for not being able to save Hope, i really tried" i said tearing up again.

"hey it okay you tried your best and i thank you for that." he gave me a hug and as he hugged me i smirked over his shoulder.

i've got him right where i want him.

Hope Pov

i felt a splash of ice cold water go on my body, "wake tf up bitch" i heard from a deep familiar voice.

i opened my eyes and i was someone i thought i would never have to see again.

"hey baby did you miss me?"he said and then made his way over to the dirty mattress that i was laying on. i didn't have any clothes on except for my underwear and a bra.

"i heard you've been giving up my pussy to that lame ass nigga Khalil" he said as he had a tight grip on my hair.

"please jae" i said because i already knew what was about to happen.

"oh you wanna say please now but when i asked you not to leave me you still left, when i asked you to love me you couldn't do that, when i asked you to be there for me you couldn't do that but since your saying please i have to do what you say? well guess what sweetie you're gonna be doing whatever i say, whenever i tell you to do it however i to tell you to do it. do you understand?" he said and then tightened his grip.

"yes jae"

"nah it's daddy to you baby, now take off that and spread your legs, i've been waiting for you"

"yes daddy" i proceeded to take off the bra and panties i had on, opened my legs and waited for him to do what he had to do.

i cried the whole time and i prayed that Khalil could come and save me from wherever i was, to distract myself i imagined that Jae was Khalil.

When he was done he pulled up his pants and walked out the room, i curled up into a ball in the corner of the bed and cried then my kind went to May.

How could she do something like this to me?

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