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Hope POV
I can't do this anymore this man is always on my as*, like I can't even go to work without getting into an argument with him.

"babe, i'm going to the store i'll be right back, okay?" I said going to the door

" i'll just come with you" he said as he was running down the stair trying to put on his shirt.

" omg no why don't you want to stay here while i go, i literally can't go anywhere without you" I said while getting really frustrated.

"excuse me?" he said as he walked closer to me as I was getting a little scared, closing the door and backing up against the door.  

"babe i'm just saying that i can't ever get some alone time alone, i'm with you 24/7 and i can't even take a sh*t without you all in my personal space" i said as he was in my face making direct eye contact while i was getting scared that he was going to do something crazy.

Despite all his looks he is really a scaring person, I never thought that I would get into a relationship and I have to ask permission to go somewhere. I'm a grown as* women.

"either i go with you or you don't go at all, now make up your mind or sit your as* the f*ck down" he said getting ready to grab me by my hand and about to drag me back to the room.

" please don't do this today i'm not in the mood, fine i won't go just don't hit me, I'm sorry" i said getting ready to cry

" don't be doing that cry baby sh*t"

" you have no f*cking heart"

After I said that I took off my shoes and went back into the room and put back on some comfortable clothes. I  laid on the bed with a huge attitude.

" what is wrong with you, you always have that same dumb as* attitude everyday." he said as he laid on the bed next to me trying to hug me from behind

" i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you, i just don't want anything to happen to you, i love you too much." he added

I didn't want to hear all the bullsh*t excuses so i just moved his hands and made my way to the bathroom to get away from him.

As he followed behind me and grabbed my arm to turn me around I snatched my arm back and closed the bathroom door and closed it without locking it and he busted through the door with rage.

" what are you doing, don't give me that dumb attitude, it's not that serious." he said as he turned me around and picked me up and placed me on the bathroom sink.

" please i'm not in the mood, i just want to be alone for a little, can i at least get that?" i said as i look down at my hands and not making eye contact.

When I said that he picked my head up looking me in my eyes with his little puppy eyes that he knew i could resist when i'm mad.

" baby i said that i'm sorry, you know i love you and i love being around you why can't you just forgive me" he said as he slid his hands over to my as* and stared to rub it and then he started to kiss me and i had to kiss him back, it soon deepened and then he picked up and carried me to the room and stared to remove my clothes and kissed all over my body but i soon stopped it because i was still a little upset.

"babe i can't i'm not in the mood, i'm just want to go to sleep, we can just cuddle." i said as i put my clothes back on and got into the covers.

"whatever i don't care" he said before laying down next to me and wrapping his arm around me.

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