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Hope POV
I heard the bell on the door chime and i looked up and my eyes met with hers and she walked over to me and took a seat in front of me.

"hey" i finally said breaking the silence between us.

"hi" she said slyly while fiddling with her hands on the table

"so what did you want to talk about" i asked but she remained quiet.

"ok well if you're not going to talk i guess i'll be making my way out" i said going to get up but she grabbed my arm.

" wait i'm sorry i'm just trying to figure out the words to say to you"  i sat back down in my seat.

"well first i wanna say i'm sorry for the way i handle things when i found out you and Khalil were a thing, i was just a lil jealous because at the time i still had some kind of feelings towards him since he was my first everything but no i'm over it and i just want to go back to how things were before" she said really fast.

"May if you would have told me that you still loved him i would have backed off, i never wanted to make it seem like i was putting a guy in between our friendship" i said

" i know and i'm sorry i just didn't want you to worry about me, so can we just push everything in the past?" she said

"yea sure" i said i got up to give her a hug

"i missed you"

"i missed you too May" we pulled apart and i gave her a smile.

"well i have to go somewhere so i'll see you on Monday like always" she said

"ok i'll see you" i gathered all my belongings and got in my car making my way to the mall.


When i got into the car, i called Jae to tell him me and Hope "made up".

Everything i just said to that stupid bitch was all fake. i don't apologize and i don't want her friendship.

Next step in the plan is to make sure i gain all her trust back because i could tell she was a little suspicious about me.

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