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Hope POV

The next morning i woke up did my daily routine of using the bathroom, taking a shower, brushing my teeth/washing my face and then getting ready for the day.

when i finally looked at my phone i noticed a text from an unsaved phone number.

hey beautiful it's khalil i was wondering if you wanted to hang later on

i have forgot that i gave him my phone number. i didn't know if i should hang out with him or not for the sake of May. i didn't really know their history and i don't know if she still likes him or not and i don't wanna ruin our friendship since it just started over a guy.

hey😀, i'm sure i can work something out

alright cool
just lmk

what May doesn't know won't hurt her and plus this does mean we gonna date or anything like that, i barley know him we can just be friends.

i looked at my schedule for work and i had a shift at 12:30 and it was 10:45 right now so i just went to the kitchen and mad something quick to eat.

i work at footlocker and PINK at the local mall, they aren't the best jobs but they help me provide for myself and that's all i really needed at this point.

I guess i'll just watch some tv or something while i wait to go to work.


it's now 12:00 and the drive to my job is about 20 minutes so i should be leave now so i get there a little early.

when i got to work i realized that the mall wasn't really busy today so i didn't have to worry about all those annoying and rude customers and most of the time when there is a lot of customers i start to get overwhelmed.

When it hit 12:30 i when to the footlocker and clocked in and started my shift. i just walked around the main floor and asked incoming customers if they needed help with anything or i would go to the back to get the shoes people wanted and then rung them up afterwards. besides me there was 3 coworkers with me; Jake, Samantha and Julian. they were pretty cool people and for the most part we all got along.

After about 3 hours into my shift i was about to go on break to i went to the food court and waiting on the life for Mcdonald's. when i got up to the register i ordered a 10 piece nugget, medium fries and a sprite. when i got my order i went to sit by myself and texted in the group chat with the girls


hey y'all, how is your day going?🤗
good, what the moves tonight i'm type bored
Paris ❤️🥐:
im bored too. i'm tryna get some 🍆
Paris you're always worried about some dick 🤦🏽‍♀️ anyways i'm fine i'm tryna go out again last night was fun
Stfu and mind your business 😑🖕🏾gosh always gotta ruin someone's mood
aww you're mad 🥺😩
will the both of you stfu
damn always arguing
if i go out tonight i can't stay out to late because i have work tomorrow and you guys know if i stay late i can't wake up on time.
where is may? she hasn't answered yet
idk she hasn't come out her room all day. i guess she's in one of her moods today
or maybe she's upset with me about yesterday
oh shit the beast has arrived
damn may i didn't mean to make you upset i just thought you were upset because of Khalil. i'm sorry
well i'm not so stfu and leave me alone damn 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾
(May🌹 left the chat)
did she really just leave because of that
wtf did i do
April 🌷:
i'll go talk to her
well i got to get back to work i'll talk to you guys later
bye 💕
Paris ❤️🥐:
kk see y'all later
April 🌷:
bye babes 🥰

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