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It's been 2 weeks since the whole situation with Ashley and Jae and at this point I don't even know who I can trust because I told Ashley about everything that went on between me and Jae and she still decided to betray me like that.

For the last week Jae has tried to text me on Facebook, Snapchat, and instagram but I just blocked him on everything and then her started trying to text and call me through Ashley's phone so I just blocked her number too. At this point I don't know what I'm gonna do because I don't have any family out her except for my step mom but I don't fuck with her ever since her and my dad broke up and I can't turn to my dad because he's be M.I.A for the past year or 2.

I can't really leave New York anyway because I have school but at this point I'm thinking about dropping out because it's so tiring and I don't even know what I want to be at this point. So I'm just gonna go down to the school and unregister because I don't want to do this anymore.

~2 Hours later~

So after all that time of unregistering from the college I'm officially not a college student anymore  so I decided that I wanted to go back to California and try and start a new life up there and try and fix things with my mom, but first I have to go and get the rest of my things from Jae's and then start looking for apartments over there and a job.


I was chilling in the living room on the couch when I got a knock at the door so I got up and looked through the peep hole and saw Hope.

"What the fuck is she doing here" I mumbled to myself as I unlocked and opened the door.

"Hey what are you doing here Hope?"

"I came to get the rest of my things before I leave New York"

"Where the fuck are you going" i say starting to get frustrated and confused.

"I'm going back to Cali"

"Why? There isn't anything out there for you"

"Well there isn't any thing out here for me either considering the fact that we are no longer together and I don't have any family here" she said as she made her why to the stairs.

" and I thought maybe I could fix my relationship with my mom since it's been 5 years without me seeing or talking to her" she added and walked up the stairs to the bedroom.

I followed behind her because I wanted to try and convince her that moving isn't going to solve anything and her mother isn't going to want to see her because she's dead.

"Hope I don't think going to see your mom is going to fix anything"

"Why do you say that, for the first 2 years I was here she called me everyday but she stopped because I guess she finally gave up on trying since I never responded"

"Hope I never told you this because I knew it was gonna break you and I could face to see you looking all sad and depressed."

"What are you talking about Jae, you better not be saying what I think you're saying"

"Hope 2 years ago you was at school and the hospital called and told me that your mom got into a huge car accident and she died at the scene"

I could tell that she was really upset at what I had just told her but I had to tell her eventually. I went up to her and tried to give her a hug but she started silently crying and she pushed me off of her.

"What the fuck Jae, how the fuck could you not tell me about something like that. You have no right to keep that shit from me, and it doesn't matter if you could stand to see me sad and depressed, you were my boyfriend you were supposed to comfort me during times like that. That was my fucking mother. It doesn't matter how fucked up out relationship was, she still birthed me and took care of me until I left. I fucking hate you don't ever talk to me ever again." She screamed at me as she continued to hit me.

"I know I'm sorry I really fucked up by not telling you but please don't leave me here I need you here with me. I'm sorry for all the things that I have done to you but I love you with everything I have and you helped me through all of my tough times and everything like that" I said starting to tear up because I really didn't want her to leave me. I may have done all that fucked up shit to her but deep down I actually do really love her and I only did that because of the demons that I have to deal with on my own.

"How the fuck do you love me so much but you have put me through for the past 2 year, you abused me, lied to me, cheated on me, and for all I know you probably did way more than that, this relationship is not heathy and the worst part of all of this is that I had 3 miscarriages with you because of your horrible ass temper. So you obviously don't love me at all" after she said that she walked into the closet and grabbed the rest of her stuff and left out the door. 

Once she closed to door I just broke down, I can't believe I just lost the best thing in my life, and I can't believe I only realized she's the best thing in my life by her leaving me. I slid down the wall and cried, I have never cried this much only when my mom died and at times like this I wished she was here to guide me through all of this because at this point I'm so lost with myself and I don't know what to do or who to turn to.


Once I got into my car I just broke down, I can't believe all this time he has been keeping this from me.

I feel so bad because if I would have stayed I possibly could have prevented this whole accident, if only I had answered the phone and stopped being so stubborn. And the worst part about it is that I never told her how much I loved her. Before my dad left me were like best friends and we did everything together but now I'm officially alone in this world. The man I thought loved me turned out to be the complete opposite and all the people I ever loved either died or don't want to talk to me ever again and I don't understand why.

As at sat in the car I was in deep thought on wether or not I just kill myself because there is absolutely nothing left for me. But then those thought were immediately wipe away once I thought about how I should keep going and try to get that happy ending that I always wanted. I'm going to go to California and I'm going to try and become my best me, and at the moment my best me is not getting a man, I need to work on myself and get myself together before I let another man into my life.

I drove back to the hotel and started to put my things into suitcases and I booked a flight to California for tomorrow afternoon.

Bye New York👋🏽👋🏽✌🏽

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