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Hey y'all my name is Ashley but some of my friends call me Ash. I'm 20, 100% black, 5'2, and i was born and raised in New York. At the age of 19 I had my baby girl Skylar, she literally means the world to me, I don't know what i would be doing in my life without her. Me and her father broke up as soon as he heard i was pregnant because i felt he could deal with the responsibility. I'm cool with that because i don't really need him anyways, even though he was my first love i had to eventually get over the fact that he didn't want to be a man and deal with his responsibilities.

I first met Hope at school, we were in 2 of the same classes and we just decided to hang out more. I was the one to introduce Hope and Jae, I knew Jae because he is my baby daddy's friend. Before Jae and Hope started talking, me and Jae would have sex from time to time, but when him and Hope started dating we still kept in contact with each other in times of need. At first i felt bad because Hope is my friend and i introduced them but after a while i didn't give a fuck any more.

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