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Hope POV

My alarm had went off at 6:30 the next morning after our little altercation last night. When i woke up and Jae's arm were wrapped around my waist, when i tried to move them Jae woke up and held me tighter so i couldn't get up.

"baby i have to get ready for school, let me go" i said as i turned and faced him and look at his half asleep face.

" no i want you to stay, just stay with me please" Jae said as he opens his eyes and looked me in my face.

" what time does your class start" he said as he pulled me on top of him.

"8:30" i said before pecking his soft lips

" we have enough time to just hang around , please baby i want to spend time with you" he said as he loosened his grip on my waist.

" but that's all we ever do, hang around, you always have my 100% attention i just want to get ready and you already know it takes me forever to get ready." once i said that he got off me and put the covers over his head and i guess he feel back to sleep. I didn't have time to try and make him not mad at me anymore because if i'm late again to school they are going to suspend me and i don't have time for that.

I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a shower. when i was done in the shower i went into the closet and picked out my outfit, i picked out one of my favorite Fashion Nova jumpers, a jean jacket and my vans. After that i went back into the bathroom and started on my hair and just put it in a slicked back bun, after i put on some false lashes and some lipgloss and then i grabbed my bag and my shades.

When i was done i went back in the room to grab my phone and i stood in front of Jae, who still had his head under the covers.

"baby?" i said as i tried to lift the cover

"baby?" i said again and he finally moved to covers


" i'm about to leave, can i get a kiss goodbye?" i said as i poked my lips out waiting for him.

"nah you don't want to be late remember." he said and then turned back around.

I don't have time for this so i just sucked my teeth and walked out of the room then i slammed the door. He's so aggravating, because if it was reversed he would have made me kiss him. When i made my way to the car i got in and looked at the time, it was 8:00 so i had 30 minutes to get to school so i just decided to stop at McDonald's and grab something to eat. I pulled up into the drive thru and i ordered a sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle and some orange juice. After i left McDonald's i hurried and made my way to school, surprisingly i makes it on time. When i entered the building i had a couple minutes to spare so i checked my phone and i saw i got a text from Jae.

ME: whatever jason i don't have time to be arguing over dumb stuff like for real
Baby😘: Stop playing with me girl before i really f*ck you up.

After him saying this i just put my phone on DND( do not disturb) and then the class started. Luckily i only had one class today but unfortunately i had to go back home with the devil in a few.


This class is finally done and it was time for me to go home, while walking to class i bumped in some old friends and since i didn't want to go home we decided to go and get some food.

After hanging out for a couple hours i finally went home. When i walked inside it was really quiet so i took off my shoes at the door and then made my way up the stairs. Once i got to the room Jae wasn't there so i went into the closet and took off my clothes and laid on the bed, until Jae came from the bathroom and into the bedroom. He only had on a towel so his abs and tattoos on his chest were showing. He just stood there for a while staring at me and then when to put on some boxers and basketball shorts.

" where have you been?" he said as he broke the silence.

"out." i said with an attitude

" so you don't know how to call or text and let me know?" he said as he went on the bed next to me and just looked at me.

"i'm grown i can do whatever i want whenever i want" , once i said that he grabbed me by my neck and pinned me down to the bed.

"Jason King Johnson get the f*ck off of me now!" i knew he hated when i said his government name so he started to hold be tight and then let me go and took off my clothes and started to kiss my neck and then my stomach and then he went lower to my 🐱. At first i was telling him to stop but after a while it started to feel really good.

"are you done being a b*tch?" Jae said as i was moaning and grabbing his hair.

"yes daddy" i said in between my moans.

"that's exactly what i like to hear" he said after wiping his mouth and kissing me.

i put my pants back on and when into the bathroom and took a shower. when i was done i get into a robe and laid in the bed next to Jae.

"so are you gonna tell me where you went?" he said as i rubbed his beard

"i went with some friends and we when to get something to eat" i said as nice as possible so i would start another argument

"oh, were there any guys there" he said looking at me.

" no Jason" i said and i stopped rubbing his beard and i laid on my side of the bed on my phone.

"i was just making sure,okay?" he said hugging me from behind while i was on SnapChat.

" you wanna go out for dinner" Jae added trying to turn me around to face him.

" I'll think about it" i said finally turning around and just staring at him

"okay just let me know what your answer is" he said as he kissed me and left the room and went down stair.

I don't really want to go to dinner with Jae because i know if i go i'm going to have to dress up to his expectations so he can make sure that no one will be look at me at me and if someone does look at me he'll get made and turn it into a huge argument and blame everything on me, so i just want to think this one through.

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