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Hope POV

As I was driving, I tried to decide where I was gonna go because I barely had anyone in New York for me. Jae basically restricted me from having any friends so I wasn't close with anyone except for Ashley but she betrayed me. I don't know what I ever did to her for her to want to do this to me.

I started to cry and think about the last 5 years.


"I don't know who tf you think you're talking to, I'm done with the arguing about the same things every time you want to go over there" my mom said.

Me and my mom always had a rocky relationship because ever since my dad left her for a really young and pretty women, she just stopped caring for me and blamed me for everything.

This argument is over me wanting to go and visit my dad, my mom always hated me referring to my step mom, Kaylee as my step mom, my mom always felt that she should be my one and only parent and that I should never look up to any other women except for her and my grandma. To me that doesn't seem fair but whatever.

Me and Kaylee started off not liking each other because of the things my mom would tell me about her but after my dad made us sit down and talk I finally realized that she genuinely makes my dad happy and if I was gonna be around her for a long time I might as well get to know her and eventually like her.

"Ma what are you talking about? I don't understand why you are so mad for" I said with confused look on my face.

"Why do you want to go to their house for? You don't need them, you have me." She said walking up to me.

"Ma I understand that you don't like her but that has nothing to do with me so I'm gonna go and visit and then I'll be back in a week"  I understand why my mom doesn't want me to go, because she feel that she raised me so why would I want to visit a person that abandoned his family for another woman, and I'm not gonna lie at first I thought the same but I soon forgave my dad for his mistakes so I don't know why my mom can't.

"If you leave this house to go to New York with your father don't even think about coming back to this house, I have warned many time that woman is evil and is only with your dad for what he has and not for his heart". She said with a straight face.

"Do you really want to make this decision, you're really saying it I go and see my father, the person who basically gave me life, you don't me to ever come back to this house". I said with watery eyes

" yes that's exactly what I'm saying, that man doesn't give a damn about you".  She yelled

"Fine I'm gone, have a good life and don't call for me to come back either because you just made your decision, be mom". I said as I walked up the stairs to room to pack all my things.

After that day I never spoke to my mother ever again. She would always try and call but I never answered because I was still so mad at the fact that she really kicked me out over something to dumb.

*Flashback over*

As I kept driving I finally arrived at a hotel, I checked into a room and went straight to sleep after I settled into the room.


After Hope left I went back inside Ashley's house and we talked about what just had happened.

"Should I go after her ?" I asked Ashley

"Nah but you should come over here and finish what we started before she came" she said as she walked closer to me.

As soon as I was about to give my answer, her baby started to cry so she went to go and take care of that. When she went upstairs I just decided to leave and go to the bar.

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